Part Twelve: Greg's Questions and Jess's Fears

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A/N The story continues directly from the last chapter with Greg and Jess in the motel room getting to know each other.

Greg watched the light and excitement drain out of the boy’s face as Jess closed in on himself again.

 Without making any comment, Greg spread a bath towel across the bed cover and when he looked up again saw a child with big scared eyes, curled up in the corner of the sofa drawing his knees as far into his chest as his injury allowed.  The bright, cheerful, intelligent Jess of moments ago was not there any longer.  In his place was this small, frightened and moody little boy.

Greg put his hands on his hips in exasperation

‘Do we have to go through this every time.  I told you I’d dress your leg when we came out of Doc Finch’s.  If you’re worried about me seeing your butt again, you can cover it with a cloth.’ Greg tossed a kitchen towel onto the sofa.

Jess’s eyes seemed to grow even larger.  He leaned forwards and pulled a cushion over his front, as if trying to hide behind it and his face had paled to an unhealthy grey colour. There was no confidence in his voice as he asked

‘Greg,  .. .  where’s your   …   your wife and family?   ...    Why aren’t they here with you?’

Greg made sucking noises with his lips. His expression sagged and he nodded slowly.

‘We’re back to that old chestnut yet again are we?  You know, it’s disappointing and hurtful that you still don’t trust me.  I’ve made no move on you like that and anytime I do you can walk right out the door.  I won’t stop you.  Now I want to dress that leg, so get your shoes, socks, pants and shorts off and get yourself laid out on that bed.’

Slowly and nervously Jess undressed.  He kept his hand over his boyhood as he lay face down on the bed. watching Greg all the time with large, pleading, ‘don’t hurt me’ eyes.

Greg took in the white translucent skin of that young body and it’s firm physique as the shoulders narrowed to a trim waist that rose in two tight buttock mounds and then fell away in perfect symmetry to long, slender legs.  It was a nice body, still not fully developed, hairless and with clear skin.  Only the angry and violent colours of the bruises that he had inflicted spoiled a body that could serve as a model for any sculptor.  If men had propositioned Jess he could understand why.  Jess not only had a nice body, but was a good- looking kid with an attractive personality.  Greg pulled himself away from admiring the boy to wring out and collect the first cold towel from the sink and said brusquely.

‘Roll more onto your good side and let me get at the bruises.’

‘What’re you doing?’ Jess blurted out shyly, slowly rolling more onto his side and covering his crotch with both hands as it became more exposed to view.  Greg ignored the boy’s sensitivity and laid the iced towel over his injured leg.

Jess jumped up in shock gasping as the ice-cold towel was laid over his bruises.  ‘What the…?’

Greg pushed down on Jess’s shoulder. ‘Keep still and be quiet. It’s a cold compress, it’s good for contusions.’ 

Gently, Greg palpated the leg through the towel and Jess gradually settled down and relaxed under Greg’s careful ministrations. 

The room darkened as the sun dipped below the horizon; Greg switched on the bed lights giving the room a cosier atmosphere.

He pulled off the towel when it had warmed up and applied the other, colder towel from the sink.He carefully manipulated the leg through the cloth and asked  ‘Is that OK?

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