Chapter 102 (Bravo)

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Closing out Friday : 20th April '07 (contd.)

"Good evening your honor, this is a rare surprise. I thought you planned stopping over in Larksville tonight?"

Adam's jovial greeting did little to shift the cloud of depression hanging over Judge Denman as he strode into the private bar of the Hapsburg Hotel. Unable to settle with his thoughts while sitting alone in his apartment at Larksville, he had driven back to Bamptonville to bounce his darker reflections off his unofficial confidant.

Denman acknowledged the barman's greeting with a grunt and a question.

"I was hoping to run across Sheriff Donovan. Have you seen anything of him tonight?"

"Not a glimpse of him judge; I heard he was called out to a disturbance out of town."

"Out of town, out of town. He was supposed to call me."

The pale, lined face of the judge, his manner of speech and the way he clasped and unclasped his hands revealed the depth of the man's upset, Adam decided to make no comment, and stood waiting for the judge to speak. Seconds later he pointed at the barman and barked.

"Tell me Adam. You were here today. You heard Sheriff Donovan tell us what he did this morning," adding in almost a whisper. "The man broke the law."

Adam was not surprised by the question, this was not the first time Denman had used him as a judicial sounding board. 'Barman and saloon bar sage - goes with the job.'

Adam played down the allegation of improbity in the question, shrugging it off as less than extraordinary. "Sheriff was up against it big time your honor. He said these were unusual circumstances that needed exceptional measures..."

The judge interrupted, snapping. "What do you mean by exceptional measures?"

"All I'm saying sir is, he did what he did for the sake of speed. What he was up against needed fast and careful handling." Adam spoke softly, careful to avoid inflaming the judge's ill temper further.

"He knew where I was, dammit. Why didn't he come down to see me before phoning a rogue agent in the FBI? We could've worked something out that was inside the law. It wouldn't have taken any more time out of his day."

Adam shrugged again, trying to make light of the matter and take the heat off the sheriff.

"It's his office that's compromised judge. I expect he felt vulnerable and needed to plug the leaks before seeing you. I imagine he was embarrassed."

The barman's remark earned him another grunt. Denman stood at the bar tapping it with his fingertips, his face crimson with self induced disquiet. Adam stood calmly behind the bar, waiting out the few seconds before the next retort came from the irate judge.

"You need help when things are like that – judicial help. It's not the time to be a one-man band an' doing things by yourself. He's compromised himself and his office, and by doin' so made his actions no different to Mecklen's. Except Donovan's sworn to uphold the law and Mecklen ain't. He's made himself as much a renegade as the man he entrapped."

"Pardon me judge, but I don't see it that way myself." Adam spoke quietly, with no hint of argument in his tone of voice.

"Then how do you see it?"

"Sir, you and I both know Flik Donovan's been a first class lawman for the county and he wouldn't go outside the law without good and sufficient reason. He's always worked for the best interests of the community and I reckon he's doing that right now. That being so, now ain't the time to go against him. He did come to see you..."

"But only after he broke the law, dammit."

"But he came here and told you everything he knew and also what he didn't know and still had to find out. You agreed he should keep this under wraps until he'd seen Gleitner and questioned him about what's going on between him and Mecklen,' if high school kids are involved with him in any way."

"But that's just it, Donovan's supposed to have called me, and kept me informed and he ain't done what he said he'd do."

Adam shook his head, taking in a long, deep breath.

"Maybe he ain't got around to questioning him yet, he's been busy..."

"And maybe he ain't intendin' to tell me. It takes ten seconds to call and say he ain't talked to him yet. Ten seconds." The judge held up both palms to the barman with his fingers splayed for emphasis.

Adam knew he was unlikely to console the judge's irrationality through discussion. He faced the man and reminded him of the promise he made to Donovan that morning.

"I'm sure he will your honor, just as soon as he can. You did give him until noon tomorrow to get things settled. I suggest you wait until then. Meanwhile, I'm sure he's putting his time to good purpose."

The judge leaned on the bar, clasping and unclasping his hands, his facial expression grim.

"But will I be able to trust what he says when he does call?"

Adam poured a large Jack Daniels over ice before responding.

"I am sure he'll be true to you as he is to himself. May I suggest your honor, that you comfort yourself with this while I go check that your rooms are ready?" He pushed the glass towards the judge and left the bar.

Denman eyed the drink with a furrowed brow before taking it in hand and drinking deeply.

"Dammit Donovan, you broke the law, an' I not only let you get away with it. I colluded with you and let you make me an accomplice to your felony. Dammit."

                                                                            * * *

Trish Conalty sunk herself deeper into the overstuffed sofa in her lover's tiny lounge. Warm thoughts, given a greater depth of feeling by the half bottle of Zinfandel they had consumed passed through her mind. She felt relaxed and far removed from the unpleasantness and uncertainties of the day at Fawley's. Here she was secure and happy. Trish drew her knees into her chest and wriggled her body deeper into the softness of the cushions.

"This is nice, I really love this sofa." She laughed, covering her mouth with one hand and pointing at the apparition that appeared in the open doorway to the kitchen in response to her wistful statement. The shape spoke.

"Don't get too comfortable, chicken. Supper's nearly ready, ...and what's so goddamn funny."

"You are, you should see yourself in that pinafore with your hair all mussed up and flour all over your face."

"It's how I make omelettes. And how much of that wine you had? I don't want to be accused of having to get you drunk to lure you into my bed."

"You won't have to do that, Teddy Bear. I'll come willingly to your bed at anytime; drunk or sober." Her seductive tones held a slight catch of excitement as she unhurriedly rolled onto her side and slowly lifted her skirt to reveal a glimpse of her firm, smooth upper thighs, then with a slow wrist action brought the skirt up to her waist, showing the bare, pink roundness of her buttocks with their tantalising hint of delights yet to come. Trish heard a metal spatula hurled to the floor across the room and giggled. "I thought I'd go commando for you tonight."

"Oh my God, Pussy Cat, You are ... you are, so beautiful. Who the hell needs supper?"

Trish quickly rolled over and stood up in time to catch her lover in her arms, fending off the ardour and pushing her over-heated partner back towards the kitchen.

"I do! You do! We need supper stud, so get cooking. I need you good and strong for later."

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