Part Eighty-Nine Bravo: Briefing for Sunday

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This chapter is dedicated to Rick Taylor, whose nail-biting thriller The Farm is approaching its exciting conclusion. A family goes on holiday toTurkey and there normality ends for them as they are delivered a succession of unexpected occurrences that leaves one breathless at times. A quality read.

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Warning: This chapter contains suggestive, but not explicit sexual material and some foul language. It has been drafted to remain within category guidelines. If, however, you are sensitive to reading about the exploitation of the young and vulnerable by persons for their own delectation or profit or are under age then CLICK AWAY NOW!

There is nothing in this chapter, language or content,  that will be unfamilar to a modern thirteen year old person: and that includes a teen who was twelve years old yesterday.

A/N:  In order to stay within the category guidelines for this book the language and descriptions have been moderated as much as possible. In several places, therefore, the dialogue may come across as 'too normal' for a meeting of such low life persons planning their odious business. I apologise for this and hope it does not spoil your reading of the chapter. I will correct this in the version that eventually will be published and available through booksellers. Meanwhile, I beg your indulgence, now read on:

Briefing For Sunday!

Felix clapped his hands together, colour came into his cheeks and a glint to his piggy eyes while the tremor in his voice betrayed his excitement. “OK let’s get at it, we’ve wasted enough time. We gotta talk about today in Lincoln and the shoot on Sunday. This is the big one.”

His change of mood happened so fast and to an extreme that puzzled the boys, sitting quietly huddled on the motel room bed, watching him

Felix clapped his hands three times for attention.

“OK Let’s get tonight’s business out of the way first and I’ll tell you about my trip to Lincoln and then go over the schedule for Sunday. Put that fuckin’ i-thing away Billie-Jo and LISTEN.” 

He stopped to look searchingly at each boy in turn. “Before we start, somebody tell me who’s looking out fer Jess. We need to be more’n sure he’s still with us on Sunday?”

Kyler replied, projecting a sense of boredom in a flat, monotone. “Jess is OK, we got Tom Silvers watching out fer him.”

Felix exploded; his voice raised an octave revealing the extent of his upset. “Silvers! That ass-lickin’ maniac!  You got him watching out fer Jess?”

Kyler waved him down. “Relax, Tom’s clean and he’s sober. He’s keeping close by Jess like a bug in a cow’s ear, takin’ him to dinner at Wendy’s an’ all and won’t leave him ‘till he’s tucked up snug in bed fer the night, just like you wanted.”

Felix puffed up his cheeks and exhaled slowly allowing himself time for that reassuring information to calm him.

“Yeah, Jess is more’n important to us, ...First, let’s get tonight out the way. Let me tell y’all, tonight went smooth as a silk shirt. That’s down to you guys.” Felix paused to show his yellowed teeth in turn to each of the boys in what he intended as a warm smile, but which came across as a grimace. 

“I didn’t think you could do it right, but I was wrong, an’ here’s my appreciation.”  Felix handed each youth an envelope, which they grabbed enthusiastically, ripping them open to take out the banknotes with howls of pleasure.

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