Part Forty-One: Trouble Brewing for Jess.

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A/N: This and the immediately following chapters involve many different people, with their own agendas that impact on the story. They are told from varying points of view in a  sub-chapter separated by triple asterisks. To avoid confusion, and as far as the flow of the story allows, each sub-chapter will  proceed chronologically and be headed by the date and time.

Timeline: 07:45 Friday, 20th April. School House, Junior High,  Boys Dorm.

Jess was too preoccupied with preening himself over his successful handling of Ricky Horowitz to hear Ricky’s sour remark as he pushed through the small knot of classmates that had congregated just outside his bed space. 

Jess grabbed his wash bag and towel and hurried out to be immediately encircled by the excited gathering waiting there for him, anxious for news of this magnificent bicycle.  Jess revelled in all of this unfamiliar friendliness and being at the centre of their attention. He allowed himself to be delayed while he answered their questions and showed off the bike’s picture.  Jess was so unused to being sought after and looked up to that it re-kindled his self-confidence.  They all asked to test ride the machine after it arrived. Jess slipped easily into business mode and began qualifying them. He soon found that none could satisfactorily answer his direct question. 'Which of you has $700 in ready cash to spend on the bike.' 

The group filtered away muttering to themselves about raising the money.  By the time Jess had replaced the bike folder in his bed box he found the dorm still and quiet. He was the only person still there. He hurried along to the wash-room; with the lateness of the hour adding to his urgency. He decided against taking a shower to save time and after a quick wash and wipe down hurried back to the dorm. 

The hall and stairway joined all floors and dorms. It was always filled with the intense noise generated by dozens of energetic, young, scholars going about their daily routines. This thoroughfare was never empty or silent, but the only sound now was that of the flat padding of his plastic flip-lops rebounding from the concrete steps.  The silent emptiness was eerie. Jess wondered if the fire bell had sounded and he hadn’t heard it. He rushed to the front window on the half landing leading to his dorm to look out onto the front school yard where students assembled for fire drills. It was empty of people, but he did see the back of a dirty blue Buick glide slowly past the entrance gate. He stepped back from the window in shocked surprise in case Felix should see him. Then the sense of fear subsided to be replaced with a glow of confidence and he smiled.

‘I don’t need you Felix, not anymore if I ever did, I’m working with Greg now.’ He raised his fingers to his temples in a final, farewell gesture to the man who had haunted him for much of the past year.

Life was suddenly good. He had a future. He knew he could do trades. His life had opened up to reveal a future that was real and withn his grasp. This excited him, everything he could wish for was now possible. Refreshed and invigorated by the realisation he rushed up the final flight of stairs three at a time to finish dressing before heading downstairs,  hoping he was still in time for breakfast in the cafeteria on the lower floor.

He passed several people coming back from breakfast. He noticed they looked at him strangely as he rushed past.  He heard the muted sounds of a commotion coming from the cafeteria when he reached the first stage. It grew louder as he approached the double wooden doors leading into it and recognised Melissa’s strident voice shouting above the others. He could not distinguish her words but could tell she was agitated. 

‘Strange,’ he thought. ‘What’s Melissa doing here, she’s in outside lodgings?’ 

Jess pushed open the double doors to allow the full volume of the noise to reach him. He noticed the two ladies behind the servery, worried and scared, each of them holding a large, metal, serving ladle in readiness to do battle should the need arise. The room was in uproar with the seat of the commotion centred in the far corner, away from the door. He saw people standing around and the slim figure of Melissa raised over them, delivering her accusations. 

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