T W E N T Y - F O U R - A B I G A L E O T T O M

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My hands burned severely as I washed the dirty dishes with them.

The cellphone beside me, on the sink counter vibrated as I continued to wash the dishes. Quickly, I wiped my wet, slippery hands on my sweatpants so that I could have a tight grip on my phone when I picked it up from the counter.

Answering the phone, I put it on speaking—waiting to listen to the voice.

"Abigale," the female voice said, "are you there?"

"Yeah I'm here," I put the phone back on the counter on speaker as I dug both of my hands back into the hot water, "what do you want Claire?"

"Mason and I will be over in just a few minutes," she explained, "we need to talk—it's hard to talk about it on the phone."

"Sure," I told her, "come on over—I'll be here all day and all night; whenever ya'll decide to come over."

She hung up the ph0ne without saying goodbye...

I continued to wash the dishes quickly as my pregnant behind had to clean up the house all by myself—all alone in an empty house.

The dishes were a mess, the shower was a mess, the living room, the kitchen, AND THE BEDROOM was a mess! All of this mess and I am the one that ends up cleaning it all up—making the house look clean, making it look presentable for the visitors.

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