T W E N T Y - T H R E E - A B I G A L E M U L L I N S

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I stood wobbly and unstable—I wasn't for sure if this was what I wanted—if it was the right thing to do, but at the moment and time, it felt exactly right to do in my mind.

My hand shook; with one of his hands, he held it tightly. The red irregular shaped organ inside my body began beating faster as it usually did—I became very nervous and scared.

In my other hand was a bouquet of flowers that were facing down.

There was a ring on my finger, a ring that he gave me to show that he truly loved me for all I have and for all that I didn't have. He didn't care, he reminded me of Lawrence so much—that's why I loved this man.

"You may kiss the bride..." the woman said.

He landed a kiss on my lips, grabbing me, tilting my body a little.

I held tightly onto his neck so both me and Amara wouldn't fall from his arms.

Feeling his lip pressed against mine, I fell into it, I gave in—our body felt like one.

After the kiss was over, he brought my body back to the normal standing position—my heart began beating back to its normal rhythm.

I was giggly, I was smiley—I was so happy and I didn't know how to control the way that I was feeling. I haven't felt like this ever since Lawrence was alive.

Now, I was Mrs. Abigale Mena Ottom.

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