S I X T E E N - M A S O N C L A R K

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"Your father was Alex Mullins—my first husband." she revealed to me.

To me, it came as a shock—she kept her first husband's last name, so there's more to it.

  Not only is Alex Mullins is my father, but that makes me related to Lawrence as well--not only as marriage, but as blood...

"Where is he," I wanted to know, "why did you two get a divorce?"

"We didn't get a divorce," she revealed to me, "he died..."

I wanted more information on who my father was and where he was currently living and doing and I come to find out that he's dead...

"So-so," I stuttered, "I came to find my father; but, I came to find my father dead..."

I was speechless, I was so upset—I didn't want to talk to anybody.

Shaking my head in disbelief, I stood silent.

"Can you answer one thing for us?" my brother asked Joan.

"Sure," she said as I could see her staring at me worriedly at the corner of my eye, "I'll answer anything..."

"Why did you treat us so differently than Alex's mother?"

"They are racists," she explained, "his family was racists—I thought Alex was also, but I was wrong..."

Joan continued to look at me worried, not knowing what to say. I didn't know what to say to her as well.

"Listen..." she said...

"It's Mason—I never told you my name."

"Listen Mason," she told me, "your father was a nice man. Before he met me, I guess he was with your mother... He left your mother because of his parents—that's how he met me. I'm so sorry that you had to hear this from me, but I want you to know that if Alex was here, he would be proud of you. He's always wanted a child... and look, he has one..."

I cried, and I didn't try to hide it. I showed my tears to both my brother and Joan.

"He would be proud," I said, wiping my face, "I've had the dad that I've never wanted, the dad I've always wanted, but I never had my dad..."

Johnny rubbed my back, comforting me.

"If you're looking down at me," I said, looking up at the ceiling, "I want you to know that I love you... I love you dad..."

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