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Nene POV:


2 years passed by like nothing happened...

I felt like time didn't want to waste time... Funny isn't it.
Well I am not a comedian, and I am not even a person who is supposed to be cracking jokes.

Cause I forgot what humor was a long time ago.

"So have you decided on a name yet..." Susan asked while she carried my child in her arms. I stared at her... Deeply thinking about her question.

"I don't know, I actually don't know what to even name my own child." I said half chuckling; half sobbing.

"Oh come on..." She Paused while she laid my baby inside it's crib... Then she sat close to me while she wrapped her arms around my shoulder.

"You will be fine without them." She said and a small smile crawled on my face.

"I don't know, my mum is really worried... She keeps calling; but I am just scared she might have an heart attack worrying about me."

I said.

"Oh please spare me such rubbish, how could they even call you a whore; A prostitute. Even your own mother looked surprised and believed every word they said." She said and her words brought back memories I tried to bury.

Years ago after I just recently gave birth to my child; Tunde's family refused to see the child.
They came to my mother's house and told my mum that Tunde has also refused to come down to Nigeria to see the child.

They said that he said that he wasn't sure about the paternity of my child and I am a whore. He claimed that I had slept with his best friend during the time I slept with him.

So the chances the baby is his is 0%. He changed my name. From Nene I am now known as the proustite. The lady who sleeps around with any man available.

When I came back from the hospital... I was slapped with this heavy news. Everyone believed him except Ngozi my sister who took me away from that house.

Now I am staying with her.

Susan is my sister's best friend and she has been very supporting. She even encouraged me to find any work I can do...

But right now, I am not emotionally available to begin any job.

"Hey... I promise you; you are going to be alright." She assured and I believed her. I also wished; one day Tunde will come back to his senses and come back to me. I would still take him back when he does so.

But I really need him to know, I still love him and wish him all the best.

"Your phone is ringing..." Ngozi came rushing from the parlour with my phone in her hands. "Here..." She said and immediately I collected it.

I picked the call already knowing who was calling.

"Hello..." I said

"How are you?." He asked and it brought a smile to my face.

"Am fine..." I said, assuring myself that maybe one day I would say these and mean it.

"I miss you." He said and I replied back still with a smile on my face.

"Can we see?." He asked and I was surprised he would ask these when he knew that I wasn't in my present location anymore.

"You know am no longer in Lagos right?." I asked him, wondering whether he had forgotten what had happened years ago.

"Yes... That is why I am currently in Ilorin, standing right in front of your gate."

"What!." I yelled, somehow my legs found It's way down to the window pane... I stared through my window and I saw him standing outside. He had this smile on his face; that made me wonder what he was planning on doing today.

"I can see you..." I said and his eyes searched through all the windows that he could see, but still he couldn't find me and I chuckled.

"I can't..." He said "please come outside; let me see you." He pleaded and I nodded even though he couldn't see me nod; I had a feeling he knew I was coming downstairs...

After I had cut the call.

I kept on staring at him... He even looked more handsome; he wore this suit that fitted him perfectly.


Why was he wearing a suit. He never wore a suit before...

I wondered what he has been up to and somehow now that I looked at him... I knew he must have been up to something life changing.

"Who was that?." Susan asked.

"Nonso..." I paused "I will be right back; please keep an eye on my baby." I pleaded and walked away.

Hurriedly walking out of the house; finally I was outside the house and I half ran towards the door... Opening it impatiently.

When the wave of cold thin air touched my skin and I saw his face I felt a sudden happiness hit my gut and I cried into his arms.

He hugged he tightly, that I wished he never let me go but he did. "You have added a lot of weight..." He said feasting his eyes on me. "You look like a mother... A beautiful mother." He said and I chuckled. I felt like I should take offence in his words, but why should I...

It was the truth I am now fat and looking older than my age.

I look like a mother of a nameless child.

"You are even more pretty than the last time I saw you." He whispered into my ear, before bringing me into another heart melting hug.

"You look amazing." I said and he laughed out already having a nervous breakdown. "Come on... Dont go there." He said and his voice sent chills down my spine in a friendly way.

"How is my baby?." He asked and my heart melted... It wasn't because he asked about the child but I thought only if that question came from someone that mattered.

Someone like Tunde.

"Fine..." I paused, then I started it all over again with a killer smile
"So what have you been up to?." I asked

"Well... I decided I didn't need a degree to start my life. Maybe having a degree now isn't my calling... I decided to start a small entrepreneur job."

"Wow... That is amazing." I said happily. I was very happy for him... Nonso deserved so much; cause he is a good guy.

He has been with me true out all my bad and good days.
He was always there when I needed him and I thank God for that.

"I have an apartment of my own now and I am planning on starting this business into a big thing. You know like my main lively hood." He said and a small smile crept from the corner of my lip.

Cause I imagined myself in a better place than these. I never expected to have a child or pause my life.

"That is great Nonso." I said.

"I also decided that I would take you with me. I decided that I would let you work and be beside me." He paused cause he had seen the confused look that played on my face.

"please come with me... Live with me, I am not asking you to be my girlfriend or my wife. I am just trying to be a good friend... I don't want your son to grow up with this feeling that he doesn't have a father." He said and in between those sentences I cried.

Cause he had just spoken my greatest fear.

The fear of my son growing up without a man to call Dad. I knew how it felt to grow up without that and I wished it not on any one else especially my own child.

"Thank you..." I whispered and he wrapped his arm around me again.

And that was all I needed...

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