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Staring at the darkness through my window, made me wonder why most people feared it.

     I always seemed to welcome the darkness of the world, it is a time everyone becomes blind and only have to use their senses to move.

Isn't it going to be extraordinary if the world was filled with darkness,  life would be relied on our mind and on our ears. Then the eyes wouldn't be needed, I know most people wouldn't agree to this. But it is the best solution for 'truly finding the person you love.'

Lust wouldn't even exist because you can't see the person who is the most beautiful or sexy.
It all relies on their voice and kindness, I am a strong believer of Love. And I wished people would stop taking Lust for Love. But rather start loving a person for the big beautiful heart they carried.

I dated different guys with ugly past and no Future.
They were people who still lived in their past and made it define them.
They would smoke, drink and party all night long. My mum knew some but not all, she kept on advising me to stay away from them but I never listened until I met Tunde.

My sister always sneaked out to my mum balcony but I never knew why she did so, until I caught her one day but I never had the chance to see the guy she had her eyes on but I knew she was staring at someone like a stalker and I felt like teasing her about it. I saw love in her eyes that day, I wished I got the chance to meet this lucky boy...


    I saw tunde at the store, my whole world came at his feet and I wanted him so bad.

Have you ever wanted something so bad, you are ready to lose everything including your soul for it.
That is how I feel,

I had never felt this way for someone before and he made me realise how long i had been starving.
He made me realise all the bad choices I had made.
Also how bad I wanted to correct my past mistakes.

I didn't want a hottie with a fine face and body without a brain or future ambition. I needed a man.
A man that is so ambitious, a risk taker, a fighter, a man who would do anything to secure a future for the both of us.

When you see a good thing, which haven't been claimed yet. You better grab hold of it or it will forever slip away.

I could still feel his lip on mine, that kiss was something supernatural.
I haven't ever been kissed that way before,  it was like the more we kissed. The more I craved.
It wasn't satisfying my urge to keep on kissing him.
Even though it felt embarrassing with all those angry stares coming our way, I didn't mind if he could just lean closer so that we could continue kissing like no one else mattered.

"Knock knock, are you asleep."
I heard my sister call out, I turned around and was shocked that my elder sister Kelechi was by my door.

She never seeks anyone presence, neither did she talk to any one or even socialised with her family. But I knew deep down everyone still like that flaw about her.

It was only my mum, who sometimes try to reach out but still kelechi still pushes her and everyone else away.

" come in."
I replied as I closed my curtain and walked towards my bed and sat on it, she also closed the door and walk toward the bed, as she sat beside me.

She said and she smiled, this is actually the first time after 9 years, i am seeing her smile.
She even looks more beautiful when she smiles rather than  that stone cold face that could never break.

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