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Nigeria is a very beautiful place but you just have to look for it.
You have to look for the beauty of my country. Just like how you look for the beauty in every human being.

I stared at my wrist watch while sitting at the forestry park in Gloria estate in Ikotun.
It is a very beautiful place to be when you want to be romantic with your spouse.

Nene was just here but she ran home crying after I had rejected her proposal. This is one of the action I took in my life that i wish I can erase.

I decided not to write what happened today to you guys. But I know you all would be sad if I don't.
So here it goes.


"Hey are you busy?"

Nene asked while she wrapped her hands around my arm.

"Am trying to read,"

She looked at me, pleading with her eyes.

Why is she this beautiful. I stared at her for long before I even realised I was even staring.

"Okay what is it."

"Are we going for that party?."

"Is this why you stopped me from reading for my test."

I said looking a little annoyed.

"Yea, kind of. I want to know if I have to get a gown."

"Jesus christ Nene, I can't believe you pleaded to discuss this with me."

"What is wrong in discussing this with you."


I said angrily glaring at her.
She looked offended and kept quiet for a while.
I am angry with her of course. Because of her blabbermouth telling everyone she is my girlfriend in the library. I felt offended that she was lying to everyone and felt obliged to clear my name from the lie.
We started arguing and the librarian had to chase us out of the library. Thankfully she just had to know a place we could study at the park no one knew about in this beautiful estate.
She had been quiet since we got here, but she then just decided to talk and ruin everything

"Do you really hate being known as my boyfriend?."

She asked and for the first time her voice sounded dry and lifeless.
She didn't look at me confidently like she has always been doing.
She looked afraid of my reply.

I quickly opened my book and tried reading until I heard her sobbing.

I felt bittered at her, for making me feel like the bad guy. I wasn't the bad guy she is definitely the bad guy here. Making me tell her everything she should have used her common sense to figure out.

"Stop it Nene,"

"Do you even like me ?"

"Of course I do!"

I said as I slammed my book shut angrily while I stood up glaring at her.
Why is she so emotional.
Why is she stuck with a complicated story like me when she could get a clear story with another perfect catch.

She is in every guys wet and day dream. She is a full package.

"Then why are you treating me like am worth nothing."


"Every time I come to your house is like you don't want me there except my food."

She noticed.

I didn't mean to hurt or offend her. Of course I want her there, but my family is so suffocating with the love they shower on her.
I only acted that way because of my family embarrassment. They are very embarrassing anytime she is around.

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