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I woke up with severe headache and stomach nausea. I noticed I had already vomited twice last night; probably just malaria.

My phone rang and poured out my favorite song by Bruno mars, tittle beautiful girls. It was my favorite until I recently got irritated by it.

I checked who the caller was and it said My Heart code. Who else but my lover boy 'TUNDE'. the love of my life.

I answered the call and placed it on my ear, as I laid lazily on my bed. It has been about a month since I had seen him, but he always called to know how I was doing.

"Nene! Guess! What!?" He asked, but all I could think about was his voice... His thick baritone voice that always found a way to sound sexy. "What?." I asked.
"Come on guess, what have we both been expecting since we started talking." He said; throwing a glint of light on the topic am supposed to be guessing.

"We are getting married." I joked.

"Come on, you can't be that clueless." He said groaning out his frustration.

"What do you want me to say?."

"My exam's result just came out today."

Oh that...
I secretly prayed he failed; I didn't want to lose him. He is traveling to London; where he will find more finer,hungry girls that would try to steal him from me.

The truth is that I didn't want to lose him.

"How was it." I asked, a little bit angry at the people that made out this whole tutorial thing.

"You wouldn't believe, but I topped the whole class. I made it baby... I AM GOING TO LONDON."
That very word, haunted me for days,months... I prayed against this. He can't leave me now.

"Baby?." He paused. "Baby are you there?." He asked, i was speechless; how can he be so happy he was going to leave me. I felt betrayed.

"Nene..." He called my name but it sounded like my nightmare.

"Am happy for you." I whispered in between a sob, I didn't even know I was crying.

"Are you okay darling?." He asked worriedly.
"Yes... I will call you back." I didn't even wait for him to argue, I cut the call immediately and closed my eyes.

Memories flashed through my head and I realized ... That is all he ever wanted; to travel to London and start all over again. But what about me.

I will never let him go, I have to find a strong reason to keep him here. I LOVE HIM... he has to know I don't want him to go.

Suddenly the nausea got worst and I felt like vomiting again, this should be like the fifth time this morning. I quickly stood up and rushed to the toilet to throw up.

After I was done, I rinsed my face and walked out of my room. It is probably because the room is stuffy, I need fresh air.

I opened my room door and walk out of my room, closing it behind me. I headed straight for the sitting room and noises was all that filled the air. Noises that irritated me to the extent I felt like throwing up.

"My baby is going to London!." My mom yelled. "Yes finally, all my hard work finally paid off." Chioma replied.

I entered into the sitting room and I saw all my sisters, when the hell did they all arrive. "Good morning everyone." I said as I walked into their mist, already curious about what the jollification was all about.

"Nene see... My result is already out." Chioma said to me, before she hugged me happily. Then she showed me her papers happily.

"Wow congrats." I whispered, it sounded fake cause I had no smile on my face. "What is wrong, aren't you happy for me?." She asked me "of course am happy for you." I lied.

Why were the two people I loved the most leaving, they were both going to a place far away from me.

"Are you going to the same school with Tunde?." I asked.
"Yes... But different faculty. Can you believe it, I wouldn't be alone in London... I will have him to keep me company." She said happily.

"Yea... You wouldn't be lonely." I said with a little bit of jealously hidden under my throat.

"So how is catering school going?." My mum asked me, while my other sisters kept on making noise about the travelling expenses Chioma would need. All my sisters except Kelechi.

"Fine..." I said, suddenly I felt my headache getting worse and somehow I couldn't breathe. I stared around for a few second, suddenly I couldn't hear anything  apart from my heart beating slowly.

I felt like I was about to die, before I could yell for help; everywhere became dark... I couldn't see anything. Maybe I had already died. 

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