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"Mum what did the doctor say?." I asked, hopeful that nothing bad had happened to her.

"He said, she needs to rest." My said after she closed the door of the doctor's office, she had a small smile on he face and suddenly it disappeared.

"He said she is pregnant... Didn't he?."Oluchi asked, looking at my mum worriedly.

"I did everything I could, so that none of my daughters would repeat the same mistake." My mum sobbed a little before Oluchi and Chisom stood up form the visitors chair and hugged my mum.

I was dumbfounded.
Who was responsible for the pregnancy... Could it be Tunde.
God forbid such evil,I can't let him take responsibility for this.

Now that we are about to end up together in London, she wants to stop us again with a baby.

"She has to abort the baby." I whispered under my breath. Luckily no one heard it.


"So who is responsible?" mum asked calmly,while the rest of my sister sat beside her. Nene laid on the hospital bed staring at the ceiling, as tears began flowing down her cheeks.

"Talk to us Nene." Oluchi pleaded.

I stood by the door side... Far away from them, I didn't want them to hear my evil words against my sister.

"Nene please talk to us." Ngozi pleaded almost at the point of crying; I guess it is because it had happened to her before.

"We only did it once." She said almost at the brink of tears.

"Who is the boy..." Chisom asked staring at her angrily.

"Tunde..." She confessed, but it broke me more than it broke anyone else in this room.
That bastard had the right to sleep with my sister and also fuck me. How could he.

"Isn't it that same boy I told you to stay away from!?". My mum asked angrily, before she stood up and slapped Nene twice across the cheek.

"Am sorry." She pleaded, but my mum only got more furious. "You are sorry?. Now you are sorry, how could you be so careless."

"It was just a once." She said

"I don't care whether it is once you did it or not, the problem here right now is that you are pregnant and the father of your child is still a boy... A small boy."
My mum said bitterly while tears ran down her cheek,just like rainfall.

"Mum." Oluchi called out before she walked toward my mum and wrapped her arms around her. "It is going to be fine," Oluchi assured my mum.

"But how?." My mum asked looking at Nene with utter disgust. "We go and see the boy's parent tomorrow and tell them the problem we are facing. If they disagree that is not their child, then we decide what we are supposed to do." Oluchi said, sounding like it was the easiest thing to do.

"Do you want to keep the child?." I heard myself say and immediately all eyes fell on me. "What did you say?." Kelechi asked me, truthfully that was the first time kelechi even said anything Today.

"I asked her, if she wants to keep the child."

"What kind of question is that." Ngozi responded, looking at me angrily. "A question we have to consider, what of if Nene doesn't want to keep the child. Are we going to force her to do what she doesn't want to do." I confidently spoke my mind, not caring about the angry stares coming my way.

"I will keep this child, even if he denies." She said releasing the tension I had already built.
"Abortion is never an option." Ngozi said with a smiling only directed to Nene.

" Maybe, things worked out for you well. You had a child out of wedlock and got married; that doesn't mean it will for Nene. Maybe you all should consider abortion." I spoke out again and made everyone furious this time

"What the fuck is wrong with you." Chisom asked angrily, glaring at me with utmost hatred.

"I am saying the truth, Tunde will never end up marrying her."
I know I shouldn't say this; but it was the truth. He was going to marry me and we were going to have beautiful children together. I just didn't want to complicate things by; my blood sister having a bastard for my future husband.

"Why would you say that to me." Nene said as tears threatened to fall. "He is going to London and he will find someone better." The better one is me. Only if I could say this to her... And everyone else in this room.

"Shut the fuck up!." Kelechi yelled; I got scared and thankfully I wasn't the only one who was surprised.

"Please can I be alone..." Nene said as tears stained her cheeks.

And immediately her request was granted.

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