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Tunde POV:

"So how are you doing?"
I asked her while she sat in front of me.
She let her long hair fall down which gave her that bright sun shiny look; that made my heart melt.  "Am fine." She said calmly

But all that I was thinking about was her pink beautiful lips.

"So how is the catering training going?." I asked, trying my best to start a conversation.

"Fine. I heard you wrote your exams yesterday." She said looking offended.

"Oh babe, I forgot to tell you about it." I lied, I felt guilty. Talking to her would only make it worse.

"Did you?, or was I just not worth the call."  She asked, with a stern unforgiving look.

"Babe, come on."
I pleaded, I just wanted her to drop the issue. I know I didn't tell her; of course I knew she would find out. I am taking the same exams with her sister.

"You know what, let's us just eat and put all this behind us." She said while she raised her brows questionably.

"Okay love," i paused briefly "waiter!" I yelled never taking my eyes off her. "Have you been seeing Chioma lately?." She asked, Immediately I choked on my breath. "What do you mean?" I asked, but that question was followed by a huge gulp of water to wet my dry throat.

"I mean, have you been seeing Chioma lately in school... Cause she is always coming back home really late these days. Everyone is worried but am guessing she has a new boyfriend; she is always  like that with boys." She bluntly said, but it got me more scared, cause I knew I was the one that she was spending her time with.

"I have seen her in school; but she is always in the library mostly." I lied; Chioma had made my house her new library. What am I going to do, when Nene finds out.

I don't really want to know what she will do; and if I can't stop it, then I just have to keep on lying to her.

"Well I find it weird that she wouldn't tell me about her new boy friend." She said, already looking away and thankfully the waiter arrived and saved my life by ending this discussion for some few minutes.

"what would you like to eat."the waiter asked, he wore a well ironed uniform; it was a white T_shirt and a black trouser. He was on low cut and he looked really huge and unexpectedly too fine to be just a waiter.

"Just get me salad and beef; with orange juice." She said. "What about you." The waiter asked looking at me weirdly. "Oh don't worry am good." I said, I didn't have enough money for the both of us and it already seems like her food would cover my little change.

"don't mind him, he will have a plate of jollof rice, 2 big chicken laps, please add a little sauce on the rice , he loves apple juice." She said but all I was calculating is the money I am going to pay. Money I didn't have.

But the waiter didn't care about my facial expression, he just smiled and walked away.

"Babe, I am really low on cash." I said a little bit ashamed.

"Who said anything about you paying." She said; looking at me with a broad smile on her face.

"Babe come on, you keep on paying... Let me at least pay for your own food"

"Okay, if you can and you want to." She replied, still smiling.

"Can I follow you to your house today?." She asked staring at my flirtatiously.

"Why are you even asking, you always keep on showing up anytime you like." I said, luckily  the waiter arrived with our food and quickly served us like the royal family.

"Thank you."
She whispered to the waiter, who briefly smiled and then walked away.
"Do you know him?."
I asked, "yes, he is my course mate." She replied before she began eating. "Well that answer doesn't really satisfy me."

"What do you even want me say."
She blurted out while chewing her food.

"He is just a course mate and you are smiling at him like that."

"Dude, calm down. I smile at every fucking person I meet; that is if I want to. Just because I smile doesn't mean am cheating on you with that person."

"So are you, are you fucking him?." Yes I was paranoid, I felt guilty cheating on her. But she shouldn't do it and even let me know about it openly

"Dude!." She yelled pausing for a bit, she dropped her fork and adjusted herself; trying to get comfortable with the whole little drama. "What's wrong with you today?." She said. "How?." I asked, as i folded my hands across my chest. Getting ready for her explosion.

"First of all, you show up at my
Cafeteria school and you made a whole drama that I was hugging a friend of mine, then you punched him across the nose and he bleed. I know for sure that dude wouldn't ever want to talk to me ever again."

"He shouldn't." I bluntly said through gritted teeth.

"Can you even hear yourself." She paused and calmly breath in and out before she proceeded. "Now you are at it again, cause I fucking smiled at another dude who attends the same online course with me. I don't even have his number."

"You don't have to get his number before you cheat."
I knew this from experience.

"Are you for real." She stared at me with utmost disbelief.

"Babe am just saying."

"You are always just saying, when the hell did this thought of me cheating on you start playing in your head."

"See am just..." Immediately she cut me shut "I didn't cheat on you, I never did and I never will, are you happy now."

"Yes." I lied... I wasn't satisfied, I had a feeling she was. Why have I become a paranoid jealous boyfriend.


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