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Tunde POV

Since a week ago, Wunmi wouldn't even talk to me. I am the one who is supposed to be angry at her not the other way around.
She was the one that ruined my fine lie. Acting like she knew it all.

she would wake up in the morning stare at me weirdly then go into the bathroom and freshen up then cook food and leave the house. God only knows where she has been going too.

I sat up on the chair staring at the TV blankly. Nothing in my mind to think about, my life is quite sorted out. I have made lot of plans that it doesn't even bother me if one of them crashes and fail, I got plan A - Z.

"Why did you say those things to her"

I turned my head, Wunmi was still in her pajamas. This was unlike her, lately she just stares and disappears. Why is she talking?.

"Cause I don't really like her"

I shrugged, wasn't it obvious. I didn't like her that much.

"But she like you"

She said frowning staring at me like as if she was throwing daggers at me through her eyes.

"Well that is one sided Wunmi"

"I know but don't it mean anything to you, that she likes you."

"Well lot of people like me, that doesn't mean I should like them back"

"Stop being a coward, you like her you are just to afraid to commit"

"If I like her, like her I would want to flow with all these her drama. And still take the risk of dating her."

"Then what is stopping you."

"Wunmi, I like her sister not her. That is what is stopping me."


Wunmi said looking very interested now. She walked closer before she sat next to me.

"You know this sister of hers"

"Yea, her name is Chioma. She is so innocent and very pretty. I bet you, you will like her immediately"

"Does her sister likes you?"

"I actually haven't made any move yet."

"Tunde, but they are sisters"

"And so,"

"Imagine my boyfriend asking Funke out."

"Am not Nene's boyfriend."

"Okay imagine a boy I really like, he knows I really likes him. But still goes ahead to ask my sister out, who also knows I really like this boy. What do you really think will happen"

"Well, I really like the other one. Nene should understand and move on."

"What of if she doesn't understand and move on."

"How does that affect me."


Knock!! Knock!! Knock!!

Someone hit the front door aggressively, these early in the morning. Some people just don't have manners.

"Who is at the door?"

Uncle Bayo asked rushing out from the bathroom with some soapy foam on his body.

"Baba I don't know"

Wunmi replied, well the once cool atmosphere turned into a place of chaos.

What the hell did uncle Bayo do these time, he is always bringing problem home just like his son.

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