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Chioma POV:


My family has a long history, but even though, my mum tries to tell me everything it still seems complicated.

My great grandfather was the one who brought his whole generation. Out of the bondages of poverty, he wasn't the brightest kid but his hatred of being poor made him strive for greatness.

You all should know him,
' Dr Nnamdi Kalu '

He was once popular, well before he died and his fame died with him.

My mum is the third child out of six children and the only daughter of her family. She was betrothed by her father, my grandfather to his best friend's son. ' Mr Nnamani Agwu '
The heir to a multimillionaire company located at the east.

Well the marriage started beautifully, they both taught they were in love. Until my mother couldn't bear a male child for him after she had given him six beautiful girls.

His people supported him when he decided to bring another lady into the home, destroying the beautiful connection we had as a family.

My mother felt insulted and immediately she took us with her and ran away to Lagos where we have been hiding from my father.

My grandparent and her siblings know exactly where we are
. But they didn't dare say a word to my father or his people.
The last I heard about my father was that his new wife had given birth to a bouncing baby boy.
I am happy for him, he got what he wanted after he successfully lost us, maybe forever.

Most people would be wondering how is life living with all girls. It is quite very fun to be truthful.

I have five elder sisters, Five beautiful elder sisters

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I have five elder sisters,
Five beautiful elder sisters.

Let me introduce them formally, so that you wouldn't get lost deep down into the story.

First on my list, is the first daughter already known as ' Ada '.

But that is her nickname, her real name is Oluchi, the fabulous Oluchi.

Oluchi has strong love for food, she loves food more than her fiancé, she can do anything for food. That is her greatest weakness.

But even the food lover is also a book lover. She is the smartest in the family, always reading her book. She studied Law in UNN (university is Nigeria Nsukka), but she is a writer as profession. She has made her name well known in Cross River and Delta state, well that is a good start.

 She has made her name well known in Cross River and Delta state, well that is a good start

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