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Chioma POV:

Forgiving yourself, is much more harder than the inspirational speaker talk about. I have watched several inspirational videos but yet none made any sense.

None ever said anything about telling the truth, maybe if you told the truth to people that mattered maybe then you would forgive yourself for doing it in the first place.

"Hey.." My room mate said, as she made her way to her bed... Unlike the boys lounge, we girls only have one room... Where by we have to share that small room with a room mate. But the boys hostel have 2 bedroom and also a kitchen and sitting room with 2 bath room.

Isn't life so easy and comfortable for them.

My room mate is now a friend, probably the only friend I have right now. Cause right now; I don't even understand myself.

I have slept with several guys, most of them I don't even remember their names... Had several abortion and somehow am still counting. Hoping to have more catch in this game.

Last weekend I saw Nicholas in the club and he invited me to his apartment, scary as it can be Tunde stays with him too.

And now he has a new girlfriend. I felt hurt and angry at me, more especially at Tunde. That fuck boy. She was probably just another thing he needs to keep himself entertained.

After everything he would still end up with his Wife. My sister.

I tried everything to get him away from her; I did everything to get him to notice me. To love me... Probably choose me.

But he never did those things, instead he broke me.

Now I am unhappy, sad and the lost soul wondering the earth with no destination and it is all his fault.

He needs to pay, he doesn't deserves to be happy.

He doesn't deserve to have any other girl. If he doesn't want to be with me, he will never be with any other.

Unless I stop breathing.

Now I understand my feelings... I don't need to forgive myself; I need to break him... Probably destroy his life just like he did to mine.

"Hey..." Summer said again, this time drifting me from my master plan. "Are you alright... You seem awfully quiet tonight." She said and I briefly smiled "nothing, just thinking..." I paused "about my future." I said with a mysterious smile by the corner of my lips.

"I will be heading for a sleep over party at my friends place tonight." She said then paused "I know, it sounds like high school thing to do... But she decided to have a get together with some of her special friends. Will you be okay staying alone tonight?." She asked.

"Of course..." I replied.

"But which friend might that be, cause I know all your friends." I said

"Well almost all." She laughed heartily. "Well do you know Amy McMahon from the Architecture department?." She asked and my smile grew longer. Well it looks like Tunde also offended God.

"Well I do, she had red hair and a killer smile." I said and summer looked surprised. "Have you been stalking me?." She asked worriedly, while I laughed loudly. "I guess I just met her coincidentally, we just connected immediately." I said... Well I wasn't lying; we both really did connect.

After I told her I was Tunde's girlfriend... The look on her face was priceless; she actually believed me... That only means she doesn't even trust Tunde.

That bastard isn't meant to be trusted, he will break you while smiling.

"So where does she even stay?." I asked "hostel 5 around Cambridge park, it is number 4d on the last floor of the building. It isn't that far from our hostel." She said and I smiled at her response. She gave me all the details I needed to pay Amy McMahon a visit.


I knocked twice at the door and someone inside yelled out something incomprehensible.
It didn't take long before she opened it.

"Oh my God, why the fuck are you here?." She asked staring at me like a ghost.

A ghost indeed.

"Just passing by, so I stopped to say hello." I said with a crooked smile. She looked angry and I loved it... I wanted her to be in this mood.

"What the fuck do you want?." She asked through gritted teeth, I knew she managed talking to me. She didn't like me one bit and I enjoyed reading her emotions like a book.

"I just wanted to tell you something that I think you should know." I said, hoping she get every single word I say.

"I don't care, please stay away from me... Unless I will be forced to call the police on you; and you wouldn't like that, I promise you." She threatened me, causing my inside to giggle.

"It is about Tunde. He is not who he seems to be." I said and she paused for a brief second trying to read me... Or probably think I was bluffing.

"Come in." She said and I obeyed immediately she shut the door behind me.

"Start talking..." She ordered.

But first I had to feast my eyes on her beautiful wall paper. It was glorious and magical, totally going to get one of this when I leave her room. "What did you want to say to me." She said sounding at the edge of losing her patience.

"Tunde and I have been fucking back then I Nigeria." I said and stared at her, trying to read her...
I wanted to watch her break, but she just shrugs and smile.

"I guessed that part..." She replied.

"Well I guess you wouldn't guess this other part." I paused, preparing myself for the dramatic effect to use to deliver such tasty news

"He has a child with my sister an they are married." I said...making it sound like he was married to my sister while we still cheated.

"What!?." She exploded ... Finally what I have been waiting for.

"You are such a liar. Probably looking for a way to get your hands on him. You are such a pathetic fool, can't you see he doesn't want you anymore."
She glared dangerously at me

"Yea. I know that. But doesn't he also charm you like magic. Don't you also have that feeling of never leaving him; that feeling that it doesn't matter if you lose everything for him. That fucking feeling that drives you to insanity just thinking about him wrapping his arms around another woman. He charms us by just staring at us; those magical eyes that cast his spell on us to keep loving him even though he isn't good for us." I paused trying to recollect the reason why I was here in the first place.

"But I will never lie to you, he is not good for you; he will never be... To anyone. He is just a bad person." I said.

"Maybe he never loved you or anyone else, that doesn't mean he is the same person with me. He loves me." She tried convincing herself.

"I said that too once, until I realised he is fake and he was never my knight in shiny armour. More like a fire that burnt me alive." I said again and this time I knew I was winning her over.

"Why don't you ask him, about a girl named Nene and also a girl named Chioma. Tell him to tell you the stories he has with those girls. Stories he had successfully hidden from the whole world; including himself." I paused "if he truly loves you like he said he did, he wouldn't have led you on even when he knows it isn't leading anywhere. Amy he isn't like the Prince charming in those fairy tales stories and we aren't those princesses. Wake up this isn't fairytale; it never ends up happily ever after in reality."

"Never..." I said, winning her over.

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