Chapter 47 - The Symptoms

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Skimming over some bits and changing minor details that aren't relevant. I need to do some catching up with this show and I don't want to waste any time on things like Tyreese not letting go of the walker in the vines. Hope you enjoy.

Third person – Medical run

The car got them most of the way, but it couldn't get them past the walkers that had formed a herd... hundreds of them. The biggest they had seen. The car had come to a skidding halt after ploughing down a few of them. Daryl tried reversing out, but the bodies only piled up under the car, bogging them in the dead.

Daryl had jumped out of the car through the sun roof while the others took off for the woods. Tyreese almost didn't make it out. While the others ran from the herd that they had no chance of defeating, Tyreese was overcome by rage, swinging his hammer at anything that came near him. He met up with the others in the woods, they thought he was dead. He was covered in blood and he could barely stand he was that exhausted. Daryl grabbed Tyreese and the group kept running.

He wasn't concerned for the car, he didn't mind running, making the trip on foot, but it meant it would take longer. He wasn't sure how much time they had to make it back, but it wasn't long.

The night came and went and in the morning they were discussing options. Tyreese washed his bloodied shirt in the river while the others stood up on a bridge that crossed it.

"We need another car." Daryl was saying.

"This is Turner Creek," Michonne informed, "so Barnesville must be a few miles downstream."

"Sounds like our best chance at finding a new ride." Bob nodded.

"Yo, Ty!" Daryl yelled down to him. "Come on, let's go. Vamonos." Tyreese continued washing his shirt as Michonne and Daryl headed on their way.

Bob stopped for a moment waiting for the other man. "Ty!" He yelled when the man didn't move. "There should be a town a few miles south."

"Lost a whole night." Tyreese shot back, ringing out his shirt. "My sister, everybody else... they're probably dead."

"Well, it helps to keep moving."

"No, it doesn't." Tyreese shot back, looking up. He got to his feet and eventually they were back on their way, following the other two.

Barnesville was a mess. It had been hit by a storm some while ago. Trees were snapped off at the trunks, falling on buildings. Vines had grown all up and around them.

"You see something?" Bob asked Daryl as he became distracted by a pile of branches, leaves and vines.

"I don't know. Maybe."

The other came over and together they pulled the shrubbery off an old car. It was still covered half in vines just like the building next to it and the car itself was going to need even more work. But it was a start.

Daryl got into the front, using the wires under the steering wheel trying to hot wire the engine. Nothing happened.

"We gotta find us a new battery." Daryl explained. He looked through the window of the building the car was stopped nest to. Hands came up fast, slamming against the window as Daryl jumped back. "Got some friends inside." He nodded to the walkers.

"There's a back entrance with none of this debris over it. Looks like it was an auto shop." Michonne explained.

"Stroke of luck." Daryl shot back before gesturing for Bob to following him and left Michonne and Ty on guard.

It was dark inside, the vines blocking out most light that would have come through the windows. Daryl's flashlight led the way as Bob trailed along behind him. There didn't appear to be any walkers inside, but Daryl soon found the car batteries at the back of the shop.

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