{Dillon} Accident Pt. 2

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It's been a couple months since the issue with Dillon and Amanda. Dillon's been staying at my place since what happened. He keeps demanding he pay me somehow, whether it's rent or groceries; I just keep saying it's no big deal and he doesn't need to pay me anything. He doesn't. Honestly, just his presence alone is enough for me, having him here. For my entire life I've been chasing after a guy who only wanted to be friends, and now I guess I have him, in a sense.
He's always so helpful around my apartment too. He wakes up early on the weekends to make me breakfast, he makes sure there's always food in the fridge and ice cream ready for me after a long day of work. Even after being hurt by Amanda for so long, he's still the person he's always been and hasn't ever changed.

But one night, things did change.

A party. It seems everything always starts with a party. It was just a simple party that a few of our old friends from high school were having. I didn't want to go. Dillon did. He insisted that I go, that it would be fun. After a lot of convincing, I finally agreed to go for one reason. I wouldn't be drinking, so I was going to make sure Dillon didn't drive himself home.
I'd never really been into parties, because I always felt like they were just a breeding ground for underage drinking and sexual harassment law suits. This was only the second party I'd been to, and even the first one I went to I left early.

I went into my bedroom to change before the party.
"Well, if I'm gonna go to this, I better look like I actually want to be there."
I grabbed my black t-shirt out of the closet and a pair of jeans, grabbing a denim jacket at the last minute. I slipped on some combat boots and a necklace, going into the bathroom to do my hair. I grabbed my beanie off the table and slipped it on over my head, looking at myself in the mirror.
I don't know about this.
I ripped the beanie off my head and threw it onto my bed, gripping the bathroom counter. Tonight was just going to be another night of moping around while Dillon dances drunk with a bunch of girls. I looked at myself one more time and ran back into my room, scanning my closet. I pulled out a short blue and black dress, a pair of blue heels, and picked my beanie back up. I slipped on the dress, the skirt going just on my thighs. I put on the heels and the beanie after straightening my hair, then opened up my makeup bag. I put on dark blue eyeshadow, black eyeliner in a cat eye, deep red blush, and dark purple lipstick. I added a choker and check myself in the mirror. I smiled and walked out, leaving my purse and phone behind.

"Hey, are you ready to-" Dillon started talking to me from down the hall, then looked up as I walked towards him.
"Yeah. Come on, I'm driving." I grabbed his keys to his car off the table and walked out of the door, leaving him in the dust. I opened the door to the car and stepped in. I waited for Dillon to get in and put the keys in the ignition, feeling confident with my look and response I got from it. I looked to my side and saw Dillon looking at me from the corner of my eye, and I looked at him. He was simply wearing a t-shirt with a leather jacket and jeans, pairing skater shoes with it. Somehow, he made the simplest things look great.
We arrived at the party a few minutes after the scheduled start time, but there were already cars all down the long street. I parked further down the sidewalk, turning the ignition off and handing Dillon his keys.
"Put them in your pocket, but I need them when we leave." He put them in his pocket and I opened my door, closing it as I waited for Dillon to get out. He stepped out a few seconds later, looking over at me and then at the large white frat house filled with music and lights. I walked towards the house, passing people that looked at me with a sideways glance. I laughed as I passed a few girls I'd known from high school question if it was me. Dillon followed close behind, walking at my side. As we walked up to the door, the host of the party and one of our old friend,  Adam, stopped us at the front door with a smile.

"Damn, is that you (Y/N)? What happened?" He looked at me with a look on his face of pure amazement.
"I grew up." I smiled at him as I watched him look me up and down, then scoff a bit.
"Well okay then." He turned to Dillon and smiled. They did they're usual bro-hug stuff and I saw Adam whisper into Dillon's ear, but I couldn't hear. Dillon pulled away blushing, turning back towards me. "Well, ladies first." Adam motioned for me to enter and I walked inside, noticing the large room full of people, some already drunk. A few people, presumably with the drunk ones, carried water bottles, taking keys from their drunk companions. I walked with Dillon over towards the drink table, picking up a bottle of water. Dillon looked at me like he expected me to be drinking.
"I'm driving, Dillon. I'm not drinking anything." I opened up the bottle and took a swig, feeling the water flow down my throat.
"Why'd you give me the keys anyways?" He picked up a beer bottle and popped it open.
"I didn't buy a dress with pockets." I laughed and took another drink, walking over to a table with various foods.

Most of the night was spent between trips dancing, eating, and drinking, mainly on Dillon's part. Towards midnight he'd started slurring his words, so I took the bottle out of his hands and handed him a water bottle to sober him up a bit. He drank the entire bottle and I grabbed another one to take on the road, guiding him out of the door. He drank from the bottle a little bit so that he could sober up enough to walk, and I no-longer had to hold him up. We walked out to the car and I grabbed the keys from his pocket, getting into the drivers seat. He opened the door and got into the passenger seat of the car, stopping me before I could put the keys in the ignition.
"Wait." His hand wrapped around my wrist and I held my breath.
"What are you doing?" When he spoke, his words weren't slurred or mumbled, when he walked he didn't stumble, but he couldn't have sobered up enough yet. "You're acting really weird right now."
"I know I just-" He stopped, his eyes focusing on my body and then my face. "I wanted to say something but I didn't wanna do it in front of all those people."
"It can wait until we get home then."
"No, it can't. If I don't say it now I'm gonna wake up and forget about it. So I have to do it now."
"Dillon, your just drunk. We can talk about this tomorrow. I'm tired and I need to go home." I went to put the key in the ignition a third time, but Dillon pulled it away again. He took the keys from my hand and threw them to the backseat, his thought process obviously impaired by the alcohol.
"Dillon, What the hell-" Before I could even say anything, Dillon placed his hands on either side of my head and pulled me closer, himself moving in until his lips crashed against mine. I was shocked for a few seconds but kissed back,  my eyes fluttering shut.

No, you can't do this. He's just drunk.
I willed myself to stop but I couldn't. I was stuck in a pit of quicksand that I couldn't get out of until someone or something pulled me out. Dillon moved one of his hands down to upper thigh, and I pulled away.
"No, I can't. You're drunk and you aren't thinking straight and you won't know what happened tomorrow-"
"Then you can tell me if I forget."
"No, you don't understand. I can't just take advantage of someone when they're drunk and not thinking straight."
"I'm thinking perfectly fine."
"No, no you're not. I just..." I sighed. He has no idea what he's doing to me right now and how much I want this, but I can't take advantage of him like this. He won't remember anything tomorrow and then it'll just be awkward.
"Why did you kiss me back then?" His voice wasn't exactly quiet, but it wasn't loud either.
"You kissed me back. You wouldn't have kissed me back if you hadn't wanted something to come out of it."
I gulped. "No, I just...I wasn't thinking straight so I-" He leaned in and kissed me again, this time slower, going more carefully. His hand stayed on the side of my face the whole time, not moving anywhere else. He pulled away slowly, almost teasingly in a way. He reached behind and handed me the keys.
"If you really wanna go, we can go."

My brain and my heart started screaming at each other. My brain said 'No, this is a terrible idea.' but my heart kept pushing me on. I looked at Dillon's eyes, begging me to say no and to just throw the keys back behind the seat.
"I-" I let out a slow breath before closing my eyes again. I opened them before I gripped the keys tightly, pulling them out of his hand. I took another second and threw them back behind the seat, moving closer to Dillon as I did so. My lips pressed against his, the slight taste of beer still present, but not enough to really have any affect. My eyes fluttered closed as he kissed back, his hands traveling from my bare thigh to my hips to the side of my face again. He moved slowly, almost hesitantly, like he didn't want to break some unseen bond. His hands traveled to my hips again, lifting me up slightly as a hint to move. I moved so I was sitting on his lap, my eyes still screwed shut. I felt him try to undo the zipper of my dress, and I let him.

I'm gonna really regret this tomorrow.

Hello again! I apologize for the long wait for this but here is the much awaited second part to a precious imagine, Accident. Let me know if you guys enjoyed it and I hope you have a great time reading!


Also, sorry for not updating lately. I've been super busy with stuff.

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