{Newt} Crush {Request}

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This imagine was requested by KentheNerd
I hope you like that way it turned out!

For having no memories at all it's strange I still remember how it feels when you have a crush on someone. The way you get butterflies when they smile, the way you can't help but stare at them, the way they make you speechless without even saying a word. That's how I feel about Kenny.

She came up in the box only about three months ago, scared beyond anything I had ever seen. She cowered in a corner until I was able to coax her out and convince her everything was gonna be okay. Ever since, I've felt something for her.
She's the kindest person I've met, yet somehow tough at the same time. She had only been in the Glade a week and had already snapped on three guys who tried to make a move on her. She was that sweet and spicy kinda person.

She worked in the kitchens with Frypan, so I only got to see her three times a day. I mean, I would see her walking around and stuff, but I never really got to talk to her all that much. So I did every chance I got.
"Hey Kenny." I said, giving her a smile.
"Hi Newt. Having a good day so far?" She said as she handed me a plate of food.
"It just got a little better." I winked at her and she blushed, a small smile tugging at her lips. She looked back up at me with red cheeks and a small grin on her face. "I'll see you later."
I made my way to the usual table I sat at, all my friends surrounding me.
"Oooh Newtie's got a cruuushhh." Thomas wiggled his shoulders at me.
"Sh-shut up." I stuttered looking down. They were constantly teasing me any chance they got.
"Come on Newt just talk to her!" Minho said, shoving a piece of bacon in his mouth.
"It's not that easy you know. I don't exactly remember how to talk to girls."
"It's simple. You walk up to her, open your mouth, move your vocal chords, and form words. Easy peasy." Thomas stuffed eggs into his mouth.
"Wow. Thanks. Bloody great advice." The sarcasm dripped from my words as I rolled my eyes.
"Well he's kinda right. All you have to do is talk to her."
"Yeah sure. I'll try that."

The whole rest of the day I couldn't stop thinking about Kenny. I didn't know the first thing about how to talk to her, or how to even begin a conversation with her. Then I thought about what Minho and Thomas said. Was it really as easy as just opening my mouth and speaking? Maybe I was overthinking the whole thing.
I was snapped out of my thoughts by the greenie alarm. Despite knowing it was scheduled to show up today, it somehow startled me. We waited by the box for about 15 minutes before the box fully arrived and opened up. Sitting on the bottom of the box amongst the supplies was a confused looking girl with short black hair and freckles. She looked frantic, as if she was about to cry. As Gally was about to jump in, Kenny stopped him, offering to jump in herself. She and the girl seemed to get along quickly, Kenny being able to coax the girl out (who's name was Elizabeth). She was always able to charm people, another thing I loved about her.

Before I knew it it was time for the bonfire. It was all of us (Minho, Thomas, Chuck, Me, Kenny, and Elizabeth) sitting in a circle talking, each one of us with a jar of Gally's 'special drink'. Minho had the brilliant idea to play a game. Chuck decided to whisper something in his ear and he had a devious looking smirk on his face.
"Alright folks. My good friend Chuckie here has decided to play the great game of Seven Minutes in Heaven." We all looked at him confused. He whispered something to Thomas who then whispered it to Chuck, each one of them having an obvious plan. "Alright, so basically it's like spin the bottle but whoever it lands on has to go into the Deadheads for at least seven minutes with the person who spun the bottle." Elizabeth looked mortified at Minho's suggestion.
"They're not always like this, I swear." Kenny said, chuckling. "But I guess we can't back out now."
"Good. Now everybody close your eyes. Kenny, you spin first." I closed my eyes as Kenny spun the jar sitting in the middle of the circle. "Okay open." I opened my eyes to see the jar pointed directly at me. I gulped.

"Well it looks like the bottle landed on Newt. Go." I nervously stood up and walked alongside Kenny until we were out of earshot of the others.
"I, um, didn't think, um it would land on y-you." She stuttered, rocking back and forth on her heels.
"Y-yeah. Me neither." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. I mentally cursed for being so awkward. We just stood there in silence for a while.

"Hey Kenny?"
"Yeah?" She said, looking up.
"C-Can I tell you something?"
"What is it?" She gave me a soft smile.
"Well um, ever since you can up the box I've felt....something towards you. It wasn't until a couple days ago I realized what it was, so um basically what I'm trying to say is....Ihaveacrushonyou." I rambled on nervously and she smiled.
"You're such a dork. I like you too Newt. Like, a lot." She looked me in the eyes, a wide smile spread across her face.
"Y-you do? Oh that's uh, that's cool I guess. I mean great!" I laughed awkwardly and she smiled at me. "So does this mean we're...?" She nodded and I smiled. "Great." I pulled her into my arms giving her a tight hug. She snuggled her face into my chest, and I sighed. Then the moment was so rudely interrupted by Minho's hooting and hollering.

"About time! Jesus, Newt, it took you long enough!"
"Yeah! You know how much we panicked that this plan wasn't gonna work? We thought you'd be too awkward to do anything!"
"Haha guys very funny." I said, rolling my eyes. Kenny chuckled and looked up at me.
"Hey, you should thank them."

There it is! Again this was requested by KentheNerd . I hope you enjoyed it and let me know if you'd like me to change anything!

I'm also gonna try to update a bit more, and get any late updates up the day after I missed them.

If anyone has any requests they would like done, just let me know either by messaging me or commenting and I'll get to it right away! Thanks for reading!

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