{Thomas} Opening Night

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Opening night.

The biggest night in a theatre performers life. The night that determines how every other show goes from then on. The night that every performer wants they're loved ones to be at. The one mine cannot.

My parents can't make it due to a business trip. My best friend is in the show. My aunt can't come. And the one I want to be here the most is shooting a movie.

That's what I get for dating a famous movie star two years older than me.
You see, I'm 17 and a senior in high school. My boyfriend, Thomas, is 19 and flew out to LA about a month ago to shoot his movie. It sucks.

Here I am, backstage, hating life cause my actor boyfriend isn't able to see me as a lead in his favorite musical. I hate life more than I hate healthy food and getting things done on time. I'm really just standing in front of a mirror in full costume hating everything about my pathetic little life I'm in.

The director came in a few minutes later to tell us we had to be in places in 5. I finished up my makeup and hair, then straightened out my costume. I sighed and looked at my phone, seeing I had a long text message from Thomas.

Tommy: Hey baby! I'm sorry I can't be there tonight to see you, but just know I'm always thinking of you. You're gonna do great tonight, I know it! Just take a deep breath and relax, and know that I'm supporting you from a million miles away. You're gonna do great! I love you so much! 💕💖

I smiled at his gesture. It meant so much to me that even with him in a totally different state he still tries to make an effort to show he cares and wished he could be here. I responded back, knowing he was probably on set but I wanted to let him know I loved him just as much as I love sleep and food and procrastinating.
I put my phone down when it was time for me to go on, and I sighed. I straightened my dress and prepared for my entrance, ready to blow away the audience. For Thomas.

Thomas' POV

I hummed along to the music playing in my car and tapped the steering wheel. I was on my way to (Y/N)'s school, wanting to surprise her by not telling her I would be at opening night. There was no way I would ever think about missing her opening night.

When I told her I might not be able to make it, she was so upset. Her bright eyes filled with disappointment and it hurt, so ever since then I've been trying to come up with an elaborate scheme to make it to this show. Luckily I was able to get off filming for at least a week, making sure to spend all of it with her. I was gonna make this entire week about her before I have to leave again.

I pulled into the parking lot a bit later than expected, but still early enough. I bought my ticket and went inside, sitting down and waiting for it to start. I couldn't wait to see my girl up there. I haven't even seen it yet and I'm already so proud.

(Y/N)'s POV

I walked into the lobby hyped after my performance. I felt great after it, my nerves fading away and now I was just giddy. As I saw all the other girls with their boyfriends, I got a little upset, wanting Thomas to be here. I scanned over the crowd and saw him, looking around for me. His eyes laid upon me and he turned, smiling.
I ran over to him and jumped in his arms, burying my head in his neck. He pulled away to give my a long kiss, then pulled me close again. I smelled his familiar smell, One I hadn't smelled in so long it almost felt foreign.

"You made it. I can't believe you made it." I mumbled into his shirt.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world." He mumbled back into my hair. He kissed me again, holding my waist. "You looked so beautiful up there." I looked down and blushed, then looked back up. I stepped back a bit, just standing and smiling at him. He bit his lip and smiled, looking me up and down.

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