My Death Cure Review

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Hey guys! So I just watched The Death Cure and oh boy do I have some choice words.....anyway let's go!

First off we start the movie with a bang. Literally. Thomas and Vince exploding that train? 👌👌

And then we cut to Newt popping out from behind that rock, looking bootiful as ever. 👍👍😘

Then Newt wips out the welder and starts being a manly man. 👌👍

Then we find out Minho isn't there. 👎

Then Thomas decides to go out on his
own against Vince's orders. Way to go princess. 👏👏

And the Newtie patootie shows up and calls Thomas a twat. Way to fucking go QUEEN. 👏👏👏

Then we head off to the "Final City" aka Denver and reveal that Teresa is a bitch like always. 👏

Little miss Ava Fucking Paige being an ASSHOLE. 👌

Then we got Lawrence. Just....VOLDEMORT 👏👏👏👏👏

And when Newt was tying his heart started breaking....💔👎

And then after they go back to Brenda and Newt yells at Thomas....and then the look of regret in his eyes......💔💔💔👎👎👎👎

And then after they infiltrate the place and you can visibly see the blackness in Newt's veins. 👌👌 Totally didn't break me.

And Then they find Minho and have a peaceful broment. 👏👏👏👏

And then the line. The line. THE line. "Great, we're all bloody inspired." 10/10 👌👌👌👌👏👏👏👍

But....then Minho and Thomas have to carry broke my heart and shattered it. 💔💔💔💔👎

And then when Newt begs Thomas to leave him. BUT MISTER TOMMY BOI WONT!!! WAY TO GO TOMMY!!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

But starts....the beginning of death.

Thomas and Newt fighting was so hard to watch. Cause Thomas didn't wanna. He was breaking every time Newt came to try to fight him. I give Thomas all the props for not wanting to kill my baby boi. 👏👏👏👏👏👏

But then Newt stabbed himself.....😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔

And they left his body. No burial or nothing. Why.

Teresa saying Thomas could have saved him. No. She gotta be lying. If she's not it's even worse.

Right as I start to like her she died. Great.

They make it to the Safe Haven. Good for them. 👏👏👏👏

The note. It was so emotional and heartfelt. I was kinda hoping for a love confession but...whatever. Heartfelt suicide notes are okay too. 👌

Well that's my review. Hope you enjoyed.


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