{Newt} Wolf Blood PT 2

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I looked down at the dagger that was in my hands.

"Remember, in order to keep yourself from changing, you have to feel pain. Try it." Derek said, standing by me. Scott and Stiles watched intently as I willed myself to turn, and once I felt it come up, I cut a quick slash on my hand. I winced and Stiles turned away, gagging. "Good." Derek said with absolutely no expression. "If you want to avoid the pain, then just learn to keep your heart rate down."
"So I didn't need to cut myself just then." I said. "Great. Now I gotta explain that to my mom."
"Derek, we have a game to get ready for in an hour." Scott looked at the time.
"Yeah, and I have to be at my boyfriend's game in," I looked at my phone. "15 minutes."
"Go. We're done for today anyway." Derek said, waving us off. "And here. Take this." He handed me a silver bracelet. "Until you learn to control yourself during a full moon, wear this on those days. It'll prevent the turn." I put it on and began walking out.

To be honest, I did kind of lie to Derek. Not totally, but halfway. I did have to be to Newt's game soon, but not 15 minutes. More like 30. I just had to get ready. See, I'm an expert at being extra. I dress up to go to sports games. That how extra I am.
Once I got home I brushed out my hair, put in hairspray, put on full emo makeup, dressed in a fancy shirt and leather jacket with jeans, and boots. Again, extra. I heard a horn honk outside and I looked out the window, seeing Stiles Jeep.

"What are you guys doing here?" I said, leaning in the doorway.
"We have to be at the school an hour early to warm up for the game. Figured we'd pick you up on the way." Scott poked his head out the window. "You getting in or not?"
"Sure, why the hell not." I shut the door and ran to the car, expertly climbing in the back. Stiles started up the engine and drove off in the direction of the school.
"You have to go through extra training you know. With Derek."
"Why?" I asked, irritated and curious.
"Cause your a Delta." (Look I know that's not a thing just bear with me.) He said, looking back at me.
"Of course." I rolled my eyes. "Why exactly?"
"Apparently its easier for you to change. Since your heart rate goes up faster." I understood this too well. I'm too emotional.

"Oh." I said as we pulled in. I got out and headed towards the baseball diamonds, saying goodbye to Scott and Stiles. I sat down in the bleachers toward the back, looking over at the field. Newt caught my eye and I smiled, and he smiled back. Someone patted him on the back and he picked up his bat, looking back at me one more time and winking. I blushed and watched as he played the game.
By the time it was dark the score was 20-13 us, and the moon was steadily coming up. I fidgeted with the bracelet, hoping it would work. I watched as the time ticked down, slowly. Waiting until I could get home safe and sound. The score went up with each minute that passed. 21-13 at 5 minutes left. 21-14 at 4 minutes. 22-14 at 3 minutes. 24-15 at 2 minutes. 26-15 at 1. The final buzzer sounded and I let out a sigh of relief. I stepped down from the bleachers and waited for Newt, looking around. I spotted him and waved, and he jogged over. He picked me up in a big hug and spun me around. He set me down and looked at me with a big smile on his face.

"I thought you couldn't make it?" He said.
"There was no way I was gonna miss your first win of the season." I put my hand on his chest.
"Well I'm glad you came." He started leaning in and I pushed him away.
"Nope. Not until you shower." I said, laughing.
"Fine." He chuckled. "But I deserve a reward after." He smiled and grabbed his stuff.
"Your not an animal, Newt."
"I can be." He smirked and winked.
"Stop being weird!" I laughed and he walked away. I stayed where I was and looked at the moon, then down at my bracelet. Wait, where was my bracelet? I started panicking and looking around for it, but I couldn't find it. I felt myself starting to change, so I continued frantically searching. I got down on my knees as a pain ripped through my chest, and I tried to calm my heart. I steadied my breathing but it was difficult. I felt the small fangs poke through and I closed my mouth tight, closing my eyes. I heard the footsteps behind me and I sighed. "Go away."

"Love? It's me." He said, setting his stuff down.
"Please. You can't be here. Not now." I whimpered, trying not to cry. He couldn't see me like this.
"What's wrong?" He kneeled down next to me and I turned my head away. "Please, talk to me." He put his hand on mine and wrapped his fingers around it.
"I-I can't. You wouldn't understand." I said, my voice starting to quiver. "I'm too dangerous." I shut my eyes tighter and try not to cry. I can't let him see me like this. I'm too much of a freak.
"You need to tell me. I'm supposed to be here for you." He scooted closer and grabbed my shoulders, trying to turn me around. I resisted, but he kept his hands on my shoulders. "Please, let me help you."
"You can't. You can't help me." I said. "I'll only hurt you." I looked at him finally, and his eyes pleaded for me to give something, anything, to do to help me. I just stared into those eyes and watched, intently.
"Please." He whispered the words, and his hand moved to the side of my face. He pulled down my lip and exposed the fangs that formed in my mouth, but he didn't seem fazed. He only leaned in and kissed me. Softly, slowly.

"Your not scared?" I said, my forehead pressed to his.
"It doesn't matter if you're a werewolf or not. I still love you either way." He smiled and kissed me again.
"How did you find out?" I laughed, just letting my forehead rest against his.
"Stiles and Scott. They thought I should know." I rolled my eyes.
"Of course they told you. Speaking of which, where's my silver bracelet?" I looked down, grabbed it, And put it on. My fangs retracted as it stung a bit, and I stood up. "So, now that you've taken that shower, waddya say about that reward?" I smirked at him and he smiled.
"I thought I wasn't an animal?" He cocked his head and looked at me as he let out a small chuckle.
"You're not. I am." I winked and skipped off towards his motorcycle.

Uhhgggg I didn't know I could be so ashamed of my cringe. I hope it wasn't decent. I'm also getting this up early cause I'm gonna be busy this weekend and I might forget. Plus I needed to make sure I remember to write this. This also a bit longer so that I could get all my ideas in.

Hope it wasn't too bad.

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