{Newt} Outsider

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I walk down the halls of the WICKED School of the Arts, my head down and looking at the floor. A girl bumped into me, her hair a artificial blonde. I continue walking, trying to avoid all confrontation. I hated this school. It was full of prissy rich kids with talents they bought online. I pull my hood over my head and put in my headphones, turning on Sarcasm by Get Scared. I walked into the room of my first class, Improvisational Acting. As soon as I walked in my teacher took my headphones, and I slumped into my seat in the back.

The teacher spoke up and announced the usual things, and then a boy walked in. He was tall, had sandy blonde hair, his clothes were a simple t-shirt and jeans. He was-to put it simply-beautiful. I moved my hood off my head and watched as he walked past, and he flashed me a smile. I smiled back and watched as he sat directly in front of me, and directly behind the 'popular crowd'.

"Ahh, you must be Newt. Welcome to our school."
"Thank you, Miss." His voice was soft with a British accent that sounded like butter. It made me melt.

Jessie, the most popular girl in class, turned to face him.
"Hey, I'm Jessie." She flicked her hair over her shoulder, talking in an over seductive and annoying tone. Luckily, he didn't seem to be falling for her tricks. He just smiled and nodded. When he focused on the front of the class, she turned around, dissatisfied that her plan had failed. I focused on the front of the class, reading the words that were being written on the board.

"Okay, I'd like to announce your new project. You will be choosing partners for this project, so choose wisely. Each group will be assigned one of Shakespeare's works, and you must perform it for the class....entirely off script. You will have two weeks to prepare once your work is assigned." I smiled. This wasn't gonna be too hard, except for me finding a partner. Apparently it actually wasn't that hard.

Newt turned around and looked at me, his brown eyes connecting with mine. "Hey, do you wanna be my partner for the project? I don't really know anyone here and most people won't talk to me."
I smiled and his eyes lit up. "Sure. Thank god you asked, I thought I would actually have to get up and talk to other people." He laughed and I giggled in return.
"Can I get your number then?" He said, a smile resting on his face.
"Sure. Hand me your phone." He fished his phone out of his pocket and I typed in my number.

"Y/n. I like that name." He gave me a side smirk and I blushed. We were instructed to tell the teacher what group we were in, so we walked up to her desk together. As we walked back we earned a lot of strange looks from the popular crowd, most wondering why a person like me would be partnered with a guy way out of my league like him. They would most likely tell him stories about me and he would just leave me sad and alone like everyone else.

The bell rang and I collected my headphones from the teacher, walking away from the class. I put my head phones back in and played the song over, walking to my next class. I heard my name being called faintly behind me, and I turned to see Newt next to me. I took one ear bud out and smiled at him.

"What's up?"
"What class do you have next?" he asked me.
"Oh." He seemed disappointed. "I have creative writing. I was kinda hoping I would have class with you."
"Well we might have lunch together. Here let me see your schedule." He handed me the piece of paper. I looked over it, smiling.
"Well look at that. We both have music together." I folded it back up and handed it back to him. I smiled as I arrived at my class. "Well, this is my class." I say before holding the handle on the door.
"See you at lunch then love?" I internally screamed at myself not to melt into a puddle of blahhh.
"Yeah." I smiled back and walked into the class room.

The teacher told us we were doing charcoal art today, so I picked up my art supplies and started drawing. After almost the whole hour long class period, I blew the access charcoal off and looked at my work.

The bell rang and I headed to lunch, grabbing the lunch tray and sitting in my usual corner of the room alone

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The bell rang and I headed to lunch, grabbing the lunch tray and sitting in my usual corner of the room alone. I pulled out my notebook and started writing down some lyrics. I look up and see a smiling face with blonde hair sat across from me.
"Hey." I say closing my notebook.
"Watcha writing?" he said, taking a bite from his sandwich.
"Something for class. How has your first day been?"
"Boring." His tone was flat. "I have to sit next to this really annoying kid in writing and I had no idea what to do since I just got here."
"Yeah well, Miss Calavan can be kind of a slinthead."
"I've kinda made up my own slang since we aren't allowed to cuss. Makes everything a small bit easier."

We continued talking, earning some sideways glances from alot of people. I was the social outcast, so they were probably wondering what I was doing talking to a good looking boy. The bell rang and we headed off to music. I was stopped by the teacher before sitting down.

"Y/N, make sure you get that recording in to me by the next few weeks if you want to be featured."
"No problem. I've just gotta find a way to arrange some backing." She nodded and I walked off. I sat down next to Newt.
"What was that about?" He asked.
"A project I have to finish. I'm supposed to turn in a recording of my song, but I don't have any backing. And there is no way in hell I'm gonna use just vocals."
"I can help. I know how to play guitar." He smiled at me.
"That would be great, thanks." I smiled back as class started.

When the day was over, me and Newt said goodbye, and he told me he'd text me later.

Little did I know we would be up till 3 am texting.

Newt Imagines {rewrites coming soon}Where stories live. Discover now