{Newt} Disappear

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I've never understood why people leave. I just, don't get it. They gain your trust, make you feel like you have something to live for, and then they just...disappear.

That's how it was for me about three months ago. Actually, almost my whole life. When my mother was pregnant with me, my dad left. When I turned 5, my mom left. Three months ago, my boyfriend left.

Cause of one stupid mistake. A mistake that I made.

It's a mistake that to this day makes me cry every damn night. It's the reason why I'm alone. Why I'll always be alone.

I was in a bad place that night, so I walked to the bridge in an attempt to clear my mind. The bridge wasn't too high up off the ground, but any major fall would result in serious injury. I decided to sit on the railing and close my eyes. I started to lean forward, meaning to hop into the water but fell in instead.

Everyone started to believe I was trying to kill myself that night. Which I wasn't. They assumed with me being found knocked out on a rock meant I was suicidal but I fell. I didn't fucking jump.

People started giving me funny looks, and would point and stare. They would tell thier friends about me and tell them to stay away, that I was the broken girl from a broken home who had a broken soul and a broken body.

That was me.

The broken girl.

But that wasn't the mistake I was talking about. I remember the conversation clearly.

"Why did you jump?"
"I didn't jump!" Tears formed in my eyes as I looked at him.
"What do you mean?"
"I fell! I fell off the edge and hit a rock! I wasn't trying to fucking die!"
"Then what were you trying to do?!"
"I was trying to think about why I hurt everyone around me and break them apart piece by damn piece! I wanted to understand why everyone I care about leaves me!"
"I won't leave you..."
"Don't say that. Once you've had enough of taking care of my broken self you'll leave like the rest of them. You'll find someone else who isn't broken. Someone who is easy to fix."
"You really want me to leave?" His voice quavered as he cried.
"I didn't say that..."
"You implied it."
"Fine. You want me to go, I'll go."
"Please no. Don't I didn't! Uhgg!"

I broke everything breakable in my apartment that night. For the past three months I've lived off of Netflix and frozen food, trying to fill the hole I got myself into. I wondered about Newt, about if he even remembered me. Or if he really did move on.

Imagine my surprise when I get a text from him a week later.

Newt: Hey, I'm really sorry about how things went down that night. I wasn't thinking and I shouldn't have said what I said. I'm sorry.
Me: ...
Newt: Just meet at Peterson Park tomorrow. I'll explain everything then.

The next day I debated on whether to go or not. I decided that I would, so I searched for some clothes that seemed appropriate. I finally picked out a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a sweater, a scarf, and ankle boots. I walked all the way down to the park and there he was waiting at the gate.

We started walking as we talked.
"I left cause I thought you hated me."
"Why would I hate you?"
"I wasn't there when you needed me. I should have been. It was my job."
"It's not your fault it's mine. I was the one that made it sound like you needed to leave."
"I also left because....I didn't know how to help you. I wanted to help you get out of it, but I couldn't. I just didn't know how and I didn't want to let you down." We continued to walk in silence.

"You know I wasn't depressed until you left right?"

That was when he broke. He stopped straight in his tracks and pulled me close to him. He kissed me lightly, tears rolling down his cheeks. I didn't want to apologize, but there was so much passion and emotion that he put into the kiss I couldn't say no. I kissed back reluctantly, but with just as much sadness if not more.

"I'm...I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have ran. I was too scared and I was a coward. I was stupid. Please forgive me. Please." All the quavering in his voice proved he meant every single word he said.

"I-I forgive you, Newt. Just please, never leave me again."

"I promise."

This is a bit shorter and I the update up early so here yah go!


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