{Newt} Mermaid [AU]

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The ocean is everything I wanna be
And free

Being different is more of a curse than it is a blessing. Especially when you have both legs and a tail.
My kind have been extinct for about 400 years except for a few of us. We're Morphers, a breed of mermaid that can grow legs when outside of salt water. We have been slowly making our way back into existence. But because we're so rare to find, people want us.

I used to live in a small underwater town. It wasn't close to the shore, so my family and I thought we were safe. I lived with my brother, my mother, my father, and my sister. Life was normal. Then, the men came.
They invaded our town, taking any Morpher child they could find. They took me and my brother, my sister being left behind. They packed us up into crates and put us in a boat outside of the water, leaving us naked, afraid, and cold. They drove us I don't know how far, finally stopping outside of a lab. They wrapped us in towels and threw us in individual rooms, giving us clothes to wear.
The room wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. It housed a small bed, a couch, a television, some shelves, and a desk. The clothes were worse. I was given a cropped top to wear, going to the middle of my ribs. The pants weren't much better. It was a pair of white sweatpant shorts, barely going passed my butt.

The days that followed were terrible. They did constant test and experiments on me, forcing me to swim in tanks for hours. They made me hold my breath in non-salt water as long as possible, made me swim for hours to see how long I could without getting tired. During the day when I wasn't being tested on, I was being held in a tank.
The tank was circular and not very large, leaving little room to move. They housed me in a room with other Morphers, all housed in tanks exactly like me. In the tank on the other side of the wall we're two twins, looking to be about 11 or 12. They had fiery red hair down past their shoulders and bright green eyes. Their tails were an orange red color, showing they were from the same family. The only way to tell them apart was by the color top they wore. One word a yellow one and the other wore a red one.
In the tank next to that one was someone familiar. His dark black hair and blue eyes made him easy to identify as my brother, as well as the black and blue shimmering tail that matched mine. He had a purple band on his wrist, most likely to identify him.
I didn't realize anyone was in the tank next to me until about a week into being there. His hair was a dirty/Carmel blonde color, shaggy and halfway in his face. His eyes were a deep chocolate brown, and his tail was a shimmering purple and blue. He looked at me through the tank and I looked back, watching him. We looked at each other for what seemed like forever, watching whenever the other got taken away for the stupid tests. We started to talk through the condensation on the glass. I learned his name was Newt, and he lived not far from where I used to.

Then there were the "Elites." Morphers just like us working with the enemy. Teresa and Thomas. I'd never seen them in water before, as they constantly walked around any chance they got. Teresa wasn't very...friendly but Thomas hated the work he was doing. He always promised us he would help us escape one day. But for some, that day never really came.
I watched as the people around me slowly disappeared. Some went to be used as decorations at fancy restaurants, others as play things for men. Some of the children were sent to doctors offices to be used instead of fish. Then there were the people sent to zoos.

Stuck in a tank all day, forced to swim endlessly. I watch as people watch me, marveling at my tricks, staring at me. I hate it. I barely eat, I can't swim as well cause of them tagging my tail, I'm forced to wear skimpy clothing, and I spend all day and night in the water.
But then I see the look of awe in child's faces. They look at me and point, excited by the sight of a mermaid. And it makes it all worth it. But then it came flooding back the day I saw him.

He was standing there, watching me. Smiling at me. He came up to the glass once everyone had left and put his hand to the glass, my hand connecting with his from the other side. He mouthed to me.
'We're getting you out of here.'

The next morning I was out. They opened the tank and pulled me out, hid me as a patron, and drove as far away as possible. I sat as close to Newt as possible on the ride, him warming me.
"Thank you. For saving me." I said, my voice hoarse.
"Thomas promised to get all of us out one day. He kept that promise." He smiled at me, looking down to my eyes. I brought my face to his, our lips connecting in a long awaited embrace. Sometimes being different is okay. As long as you have someone to be different with.

Hey guys! I've been obsessed with mermaids lately and wanted to make this.
And I do have a request for an imagine, and that will be up soon, I just have to decide the exact way I want it to do.

Newt Imagines {rewrites coming soon}Where stories live. Discover now