{Paul} Girl in the Crowd

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He always watched her, the girl in the crowd. The girl who danced with her friends in the back of the venue, just out of sight from the other partygoers but easily noticeable by anyone on stage. He always focused on her and nothing else.
The first time he saw her he didn't know who she was. All he saw was a beautiful girl with (h/c) hair done up with a silky red bandana, a black off the shoulder shirt, high waisted jeans, and heels. Her red lipped mouth moved in time with the song almost effortlessly, seeming like she was in a deep daze.
He hadn't seen anything like her before the first show. All he would ever seen were bubbly blondes who John would always take backstage at the end of the day. Granted, he never really started looking until he saw her.

He walked out on stage one day, running over the same chords and notes in his head like always. He tuned his guitar the same way he did every night and adjusted the mic the same way. But when she walked in, he couldn't concentrate.
The first night she came in was with her friends. They just walked in and started talking about whatever, something apparently not interesting to her. She smiled and nodded, staring off into the distance. He noticed that during the concerts she would close her eyes and smile, taking in every note and every sound. She sway he body and move her feet from side to side, the rhythm of the music echoing with her heel taps on the floor.
The second time she came in was with a group of kids, presumably her siblings. Two were older than the other, but younger than her, and she had to swat them away periodically. He almost laughed, focusing on every aspect of her when she was there. How she smiled when something made her laugh, how she got sad during a sad song, and when she'd get way too into the music he'd watch her dance like nobody was around.

He used to stick around after shows in hopes that she'd stay, hoping he would 'accidentally' run into her backstage. He just wanted to know her, in every way possible. Her mind, her personality, her body. He wanted to learn everything about her anyway he could.
John used to tell him to 'just go for it! What do you have to loose?' He'd simply respond with 'My dignity, my self confidence.' So all he did was silently stand by and watch her dance around.

So imagine the day she walked in with another guy.
They walked through the door smiling at each other, bright and cheery. He enjoyed seeing the smile on her face, but his heart fell when he saw the man on her arm. He just continued his show with the same determination as usual, watching as the girl did what she always did. By the end of the show he was smiling again, his heart warming again at the sight of the girl enjoying his music. The night was over and most of the people at the concert were stumbling home drunk; the problems with playing at a bar. He noticed the girl standing alone in the corner of the room, eyes searching and arms hugged tightly against her chest. She looked upset and lonely, like someone had left her behind. Her eyes showed a sense of defeat, and she huffed as she continued standing against the wall. Paul took his guitar case and slung it across his back, getting the courage to go over and talk to her.

He approached her with caution.
"You waiting for someone? You look lost."
"Oh, uhm, yeah, my boyfriend kinda ditched me." She laughed nervously as she hugged her hands tighter around her stomach.
"Well he seems like a jerk, ditching a beautiful girl like you." He gave her a soft smile and watched as she blushed, looking down towards the ground. He watched as she looked up at him through her eyelashes bashfully, his heart warming at the smile that spread across her face. "Why don't we get out of here and get a burger or something? You know, eat out all of your emotions over a burger and ice cream." He didn't know where the burst of confidence came from, but it seemed to be working. She laughed and smiled at him, giving a small nod.
"I'd love that."

The more time he spent with her, he fell in love with her even more. The way she could go on and on talking about something she loved, the way she wore her emotional wounds like a Purple Heart badge. The way she smiled at him when he complimented her, and the way her eyes lit up when he said something she got excited about.
They promised they'd see each other again someday, and that they did. Like clockwork she always showed up at his concerts, never late, never missing a single one.

The night of his last show before Christmas, she brought her boyfriend with her. He thought that maybe, just maybe, after all he'd put her through she'd come to her senses and drop the jerk. All night he watched as she stood alone in the corner while he got drunk and attempted to hook up with some chick, who-to his dismay-was actually loyal to her boyfriend. After the concert was over he looked around to find (Y/N), loosing sight of her in the large crowd. He noticed she'd left the room, presumably going home early out of tiredness or something else.
He walked outside with his guitar across his shoulder, his coat on his shoulders while the cold air nipped at his face. As he turned his body he noticed a distinct mass of (h/c) hair, tied up with a ribbon and falling onto her bare shoulders. The halter top black and white dress spread out around her legs and her heels laid next to her on the curb, accompanied by the quick rose and fall of her shoulders. Her sobs were quiet, almost ghost like and barely audible. He walked over to her quietly, sitting down beside her.

"Did he do it again?" He spoke softly, as not to upset we too much.
"He's such a dick." She said in response. "What kind of guy asks another girl out while your standing RIGHT in front of him?" She looked at him with glistening tears in her eyes, the (e/c) of her eyes shimmering with tears.
"A dick." He came up with the simple explanation, the one that only seemed correct. She launched herself into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck while she buried her head in his chest. He wrapped his arms around her protectively, shielding her from anything else that might hurt her. She sobbed gently into his chest, her arms growing tighter around him. When she relaxed she pulled away, wiping away the tears from her face.

"Well this is a little embarrassing." She laughed slightly and turned away.
"What is?" He looked at her, confused as to why she'd say that.
"You, seeing me cry like this. It's embarrassing." She tried to turn away from him, hiding her tears. He quickly grabbed her face and cupped her cheek, making her look right into his eyes.
"You don't have to hide your tears from me. There's nothing embarrassing about crying." He said it softly, watching as her eyes moved from his eyes, to his lips, and back to his eyes again. He wiped away the stray tears, making her close her eyes and rest her head in his hand. He moved his hand slowly, pulling her closer to his. She opened her eyes slowly as he closed the distance, pulling their lips together with slow hesitation. Her eyes fluttered closed as she kissed back, sending a surge of surprise and reassurance through him. He smiled into the kiss and he felt a soft snowflake fall on his nose, giving him a slight cold chill. The two got lost in the moment of comfort, never wanting it to end. She rested her forehead on his when they parted, closing her eyes and letting out soft breaths.
"Thank you, for everything."
"I'd do it any day."


I hope this was decent and I'm really sorry for not updating in months but I've been going through some bad times recently. I'll try to update more again but I don't know.

Bye bye!

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