{Thomas} Guns And Runaways

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I anxiously paced around my room, waiting to hear something, anything. Soon my phone buzzed, and I opened it to see text from Thomas.

Tommy: Pack a bag, I'm on my way.

I hurriedly got a duffel bag from my closet, packing away my chargers, clothes, laptop, and toiletries. I opened my bottom drawer and pulled back the wooden lining, pulling out the black hand gun. I checked to make sure it was loaded and put it in the bag, laying it under my clothes. I zipped up the bag and placed in the back of my closet, waiting for Thomas to show. I waited and waited for about an hour, until I heard the sound of the car outside. I quickly looked to see Thomas rushing up to the door, and I opened it as he approached. He hurried in and I locked the door behind him.

"Do you have everything?" He said.
"Yes. Now can you please explain to me what's happening?"
"They found us." He simply said.
"Who Thomas?"
"They." He put emphasis on the word. "They know about it. We have to go before find it."
"You still have it? Why would you keep it? I told you to put it it back."
"I couldn't! There was always someone there."
"You shouldn't have taken it in the first place!"
"I had to know y/N! I had to know if they killed my mom!" Suddenly there was a slamming of a car door outside, and a trail of cars were parked on the road outside. "Shit!" Thomas yelled. "Stay here. Distract them. I'll find a way out." He ran upstairs and I yelled his name, but the door bell rang. I opened the door slowly, leaning against the door frame.

"Can I help you?" I said, using my sweet voice. "My parents aren't home if that's why your here."
"No actually. You know Thomas Sangster correct?" The man inquired. I decided to play along.
"Yes, he's my boyfriend. Why, is something wrong? Is he in trouble?"
"No, not at all miss. We've just been looking for him." The man said. His eyes showed he was buying my story.
"No, I haven't seen him. He was here a few days ago but his dad picked him up for some car show thing last time I saw him. He still hasn't taken his damn car out of my driveway."
"Alright. Thank you miss. Sorry for the trouble."
"It's no trouble at all sir." I shut the door and watched as they drive away, then I breathed heavily and went upstairs.

"You handled that well." Thomas said as I entered the room.
"Whatever. Did you find a way out?" I said, grabbing my bag and leaving the pre written note on the vanity.
"Window. It leads to the back alley and there's a pile of mattresses underneath. It's our best option."
"What are we waiting for then? Let's go." I dropped my bag out the window and jumped, landing safely. Thomas landed next to me and grabbed his bags. We ran down the alleyway to my car, and I started the ignition. We drove down the highway in silence, and the streets quickly became dark.

"You should have just put it back when I told you." I said, focused on the road.
"I had to know." Was all he said.
"Why is it so important that you couldn't leave it alone? My sister died a long time ago and I let it go."
"I couldn't let it go! I needed to be sure."
"Sure of what."
"I need to be sure if they'd hurt you or not."
"What are you talking about?"
"I got it because I wanted to keep you safe. Make sure they wouldn't hurt you next. But I just dragged you into it and pulled you into more danger."
"You didn't drag me into any danger. I would have ended up in it either way." I pulled up the drive of the old abandoned farm house. "Come on, let's do this quick." We grabbed Thomas' bag from the back and ran inside, spilling the contents on the floor. There were various books and files, pictures, and heirlooms of all the people they killed. I noticed pictures of me, walking down the street, going on dates with Thomas. Even ones of me changing.

"You were next, Y/n. You are next." Thomas said, voice shakey.
"Let's just take care of this okay?" I piled everything up, dousing it in gasoline.
"You won't be doing anything." The man said, and I stayed bent over. I gripped the gun in my hands, and I tugged it lightly from my belt. "Your not gonna move. Or I'll shoot him." I turned slowly to see something that made me panic. The man had a tight grip on Thomas, revolver pointed against his head.
"Y/n, please. You have to do something." Thomas told me, but the man tightened his grip. He saw the gun in my hands and laughed, throwing his head back.
"You think you can shoot me? You don't have the guts. Plus, you wouldn't risk hitting him." He nodded towards Thomas. I raised the gun and pulled back the top, cocking it. "Your not scary. In fact, your anything but. Honestly, though, your quite sexy trying to act all badass. It's very...hot. Glad I took those pictures of you. I'll keep em foreve-" Before he could finish I pulled the trigger on the gun, and the bullet smacked into his skull. His body slumped to the ground and Thomas was freed, and he came to hug me.

"I-I just killed someone." I said when we parted. "I think I'm gonna need counseling." We laughed a little and checked the time.
"We need to hurry." Thomas said. "We've got a way to go till the airport." I nodded and took out the matches, grabbing my bag. I lit a match and threw it at the pile of stuff as I ran, everything bursting into flames. We drove away as the house lit on fire, and I watched the flames shoot towards the sky.

~Two Months Later~

"Bye mom!" I said as I walked out the door. I walked down my new street the ten steps to Thomas's house, knocking on the door. He opened it up with a beaming smile, and I kissed his cheek. "Hey." I said, smiling.
"Hey." He smiled back. I looked inside and ran in towards the couch. "I get to play first!" I said, picking up the controller.
We were so lucky to get away from those phsycos, thanks to my uncle giving my mom a job and Thomas's dad being able to continue being a mechanic. I still remember that day though, but it doesn't plague me like it used to. I had to kill him to save the love of my life, and no amount of PTSD would make me regret my decision.

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