{Newt} Argument {Request}

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This one was requested by @EquineLilly. I did change the title as the one you wanted was a bit long. I hope you like the way it turned out! It may be a little short but I hope that's okay! Also I've never watched either of the shows you wanted so I'm winging it.

Me and Newt rarely ever argue. I mean, we have our little arguments but we never really fight. I mean, we fought once when me and Minho decided to play a prank on him but that's was just kind of a little playful argument. Other than that, we've never fought.

Except when we watch Tv. That's different.
We have this argument every once in a while when we can figure out what to watch that day. I'll wanna watch something of mine, and he'll want to watch his. Kinda like today.

It'd been a really long day to say the least. I plopped down onto the couch, my legs over the edge. I grabbed the remote and turned on the television, surfing through channels. I clicked on one showing my favorite show, Expedition Unknown. I set the remote down and started watching, my eyes growing slightly heavy. I heard the door open and footsteps walk inside, signaling Newt was home. He plopped down at my feet, looking at the TV and then at me.
"What?" I said, a smile growing on my face.
"This again?" He said, a small smile on his face yet a twinge of annoyance in his voice.
"Yes this again. There wasn't anything else on so I switched it to this." I stretched and sat up, watching as Newt surfed through TV channels. He stopped on one and looked at me.
"But Game of Thrones is on!" He looked at me with a 'Come On!' type of look and I just looked at him.
"You know I hate that show." I looked at him with a serious expression on my face.
"Come on, please?" He looked at me with puppy dog eyes and I wanted to break, but I refused to.
"No. I won't watch it."
"But there's dragons!" He started pouting like a little kid and it almost broke me. Almost.
"No. I won't watch it."
"But dragons!" He started looking all sad again and I chuckled a bit, but then straightened my back again.
"Pleaseeeee?" He looked at me all childlike and batted his eyelashes. I sighed.
"Fine." Newt quickly grabbed the remote and turned the TV, cuddling up next to me while he watched the TV. We may have our little arguments about what to watch on TV or if a prank is funny or not, but one of us will always cave and it'll end there.

Cause when you really love someone, you'll always argue about the dumb stuff.

So uhm I meant for this to be up sooner but writers block is a bitch so here yah go. This is really short cause I didn't know how to write it but have fun.

Newt Imagines {rewrites coming soon}Where stories live. Discover now