{Thomas} The Bad Girl's Boy (Pt 1)

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She's a mystery to me. A strange enigma that I'm not sure is entirely real. I wanna know if she's real or not.

Her name is Y/n. She rides to school everyday on a motorcycle, dressed in small clothing, a piercing on her lip, then struts in like she owns the place. She turns heads anywhere she walks and mesmerizes any guy she looks at. She has a reputation for being a heartbreaker, but I don't mind. I just want her to myself. The only problem, I'm a supposed 'good boy'.

I'm the one who never sneaks out, never lies, never breaks a rule. I always get a good grade on my tests and study as hard as possible. I'm the one the teacher turns to when somebody needs a tutor. I'm the perfect boy.

That's why she won't ever know how I feel about her. I wanna know her. I wanna hold her. I wanna be able to walk around with her hand in mine and call her mine. I sound so stupid. I barely know her. We only ever talked a few times and that was when she came to baseball games.

So here I am, standing outside of the school, watching as she pulls up on her motorcycle. She stops the engine and gets off, removing the helmet from her head. Her (f/c) dyed hair fell around her as she shook it. She placed the helmet on her handle bars and fixed her jacket, blowing a bubble with her gum. I took a minute to look at her.

Across her shoulders was a black leather jacket, cut off at the mid torso. Underneath that was a white tight fitting crop top, hugging her curves. She had on dark blue ripped skinny jeans, the hem low wasted to show her stomach. She was wearing black combat boots and a choker to accompany her look.

She walked past me to enter the school and all I could do was stare at her and follow her with my eyes. God, I just wanna get to know her. All of her. I quickly shake the thought from my head and enter the school, walking to my locker. I open it quickly and place my stuff inside, then grab my text book and head to class.
I sit down in my assigned seat towards the back of the class. I opened up my text book and started writing, working on the homework I didn't get done last night. I heard a ding on my phone and pulled it out. I opened the text from my friend Dylan and read it.

Dyldo: Dude, did you see y/n today?
Me: Well yeah, of course I did.
Dyldo: You have to talk to her at some point. You gotta get a piece of that before somebody else does.
Me: She's not just an object Dylan. And I don't want just a piece.
Dyldo: Either way. You gotta talk to her.
Me: Whatever.

I heard somebody clear their throat above me and looked up to see the teacher standing above me. He held his hand out for me to put the phone in and I huffed, putting the phone in his hand.
"Detention after school." Was all he said before walking back to his desk. I sighed. Great. My first detention. This should be fun.


I walked down the hall, heading towards the detention room. It seemed like the longest walk of my life. I had never been to detention once, but hey, can't hurt to break the rules sometimes right?
I reached the room to see it uninhabited, even the teacher gone. I figured I'd walk in and sit down to wait it out. Suddenly, I heard a popping sound behind me and I turned around. There stood Y/N, jacket slung over her shoulder, her hip popped out and her knee locked.

"What's Pretty Boy doing in detention? Strange to see you here."
"Got caught on my phone in class. Stupid way to get in here I know."
"It's not a stupid reason when it's a stupid rule." She popped her gum again and walked away from the wall. "What do yah say we ditch this place? No point being here when nobody's around. It's more fun outside of the prison." She came a little closer to me than expected, smirking a little.
"That sounds like a great idea actually." I smirked back and she chuckled.
"Pretty Boy's got a bad side. I like it." She swung her jacket over her shoulders and started walking towards the door.
"You know, since you get to call me Pretty Boy I should get to have a nickname for you." I followed her out the door.
"I would say you could call me kitten but I usually save that for the second date." She smirked at me and I felt my insides burn up. Damn. This girl is worse than I thought. Can't deny I like it though.
"I think for now I'll just settle on Princess." I said, laughing a bit.
"Pretty Boy and Princess. I like it." We walked out side to her motorcycle. "Let's go Pretty Boy." I climbed on the back after her and she revved up the engine, pulling away from the school. I listened to the song playing over her radio, which she was also singing to.

Pretty little bad girl
Living in her own world
Dancing in the dark
And drinking in the rain
Pretty little good boy
Wanting to be her toy
Didn't have the guts to say it
So he watched from far away

She was into hardcore
He was into rock and roll
Thought she was into girls
Was it her own form of birth control?
She was smoking cigarettes
And drinking before five
She was wild
She was fine with being a whore all the time

Pretty little bad girl
Living in her own world
Dancing in the dark
And drinking in the rain
Pretty little good boy
Wanted to be her toy
Didn't have the guts to say it
So he watched from far away

I'd never heard the song before, the lyrics strangely pertaining to this situation.

He wanted to be used
She wanted to be abused
She had her secrets
And he had his too
She wanted him to tie her up
And he wanted to do it too
She wanted him
Nobody else
And He was fine with being with her all the time

All I could think about at that moment was her. I was riding on the back of the motorcycle of the girl I had dreamed about for forever. It was nuts.

Pretty little bad girl
Living in her own world
Dancing in the dark
And drinking in the rain
Pretty little good boy
Wanted to be her toy
Didn't have the guts to say it
So he watched from far away

He made her knees weak
She gave him butterflies
Her kisses made him warm
And his sweet words made her cry
She stopped believing lies
He stopped following the rules
She was a bad girl
He was a good guy
But they were fine being together all the time

The song ended as we pulled into an old rail station. It looked long since abandoned and she hopped off, me following after. We talked for a while, walking on the railroad tracks. We sat down on the side of them, surrounded by trees.

"Sit still. I wanna draw you." She said, pulling a notepad from her pocket. I sat as still as possible until she was done. "There." She turned the notepad to show me.

"You know Y/n, you're not at all what I thought you would be

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"You know Y/n, you're not at all what I thought you would be." I said, shifting my weight.
"Neither are you Thomas. There's something....different about you. Something I like." She leaned in close to me, covering the space between us. She pulled back at the last second, her face hovering just out of reach. She smirked.
"Don't tease me Princess." I said, looking over to her. She bit her lip, her lip ring disappearing between her teeth.
"But it's so fun." She finally covered the full distance and connected our lips. She moved her lips in sync with mine, biting my bottom one lightly. My tongue flicked over her lip ring and she straddled my waist, pushing me down onto the ground. I smirked into the kiss.

This is really long but it kinda had to be. The song I wrote myself, except for the second paragraph. I sampled that from La La Lainey by Forever The Sickest Kids. The drawing isn't mine either.

Now, there's gonna be some smut in the next chapter that's probably gonna be cringey because it's gonna be a new sort of smut.

I hope you guys liked it!


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