{Newt} Outsider Part Two

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Double update. You should be proud of me. Also, this is going to be a multi part imagine.

The next morning I trudged myself out of bed, waiting to see Newt again. After yesterday, I was overly happy, finally having a friend. I picked out a decent outfit, which meant an outfit like the ones I wear everyday.

 I picked out a decent outfit, which meant an outfit like the ones I wear everyday

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I walked out of my dorm room and onto the campus. The day was nice and cool, with crisp air that felt good on my tired body. I slung my black back pack over my shoulder and started walking to the school gates. As I was walking, the girl from the hallway bumped into me again, causing the contents of my folder I was holding to spill on the ground.

"Watch it freak!" She yelled at me. She then bent down so her mouth was level with my ear. "Just wait until Newt hears the truth. Then he'll leave like everyone else." She stood up and walked away, leaving me with the beginning of tears in my eyes. I started picking up my artwork, when a hand reached down and helped me.

"Here. Lemme help you before these blow away." I would recognize the voice anywhere.
"Thanks Newt."
He gathered up all the pictures, his eyes landing on one specifically.

" He gathered up all the pictures, his eyes landing on one specifically

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"This is amazing. You drew this?" He held up the picture and handed it to me. I nodded. I took it and put it in my folder, then slung my back pack over my shoulder.
"Ready to go then, love?"
"Yup." I blushed at the nickname. We walked inside and went to our lockers- which just so happened to be next to each other. We then walked into improv class and he sat next to me. We were chatting about random things until the teacher started talking.

"Okay everyone, I have your play assignments. Jessie and Zach, Romeo and Juliet. Carrie, Jeff, and Alyssa, Midsumer Nights Dream. Carol, Jackson, Elizabeth, and Ruben, Macbeth. And Newt and Y/N, Phantom of the Opera. You have two weeks to research your play and create costumes or set pieces, then you will perform for the class." I was relieved we didn't get Romeo and Juliet, but Phantom of the Opera isn't much better. There is still a kiss scene. And it's a love story. Fantastic.

"So when do you wanna meet up to work on the project?" Newt snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Umm maybe today after school at my dorm? Say about....3 o'clock?"
"Sounds good to me. What's your dorm number?"
"Dorm A16."
"Huh. Your in the same building as me. My dorm is A5." (😏😏)
"Cool. I'll see you in music, okay?"
"Your not going to lunch?" He looked disappointed.
"No, I have to go to video game graphics club."
"Okay. See you in music." As if on cue the bell rang, and we stood up and parted ways. Today was free draw in art, so I thought of the first thing that came to mind.
It was a profile of Newt's face, his hoodie draped over his shoulders. I smiled at it and tucked it far back in my binder, then headed to graphics club.

Before I knew it it was music, and I found myself plopping down next to a lonely looking Newt. When he saw me his face lit up with happiness and I smiled back at him.
There was silence between us, but it wasn't awkward. I studied his face and he studied mine, his eyes flicking down to my lips every once in a while. I looked into his brown and gold eyes, and I saw my reflect in them they were so clear. He licked his lip nervously and I bit mine. The teacher talking snapped us both out of our trances and started focusing on the board. Every once in a while I'd glance over to him, just looking at him.

"Y/N, you can go into the booth if you need to in order to record your cover for the showcase."
"Okay." I turned to Newt. "Come on, we have to record." I grabbed his hand and he blushed, looking at the ground. I grabbed an acoustic guitar on the way in, then shut the door.

"Here." I handed him the guitar and the sheet music. "Think you can play this?" He looked at it for a moment and nodded.
"Yeah. I can play this."

I set up the microphones and plugged in my laptop, hit record and motioned for Newt to start playing.
"All I knew, this morning when I woke. Was I know something now, know something now, I didn't before. And all I've seen, since 18 hours ago, is brown eyes and freckles and your smile in the back of my mind making me feel like..."
Newt joined in with the next part, and I smiled at him. I continued singing to the chorus.
"All I know is you said hello. And your eyes look like coming home oh, all I know is a simple name, everything has changed, and all I know is We held the door, and you'll be mine and I'll be yours oh, all I've known since yesterday...is everything has changed."
Newt played the guitar and as I was about to sing, he cut me off and sang instead.
"All my walls, stood tall painted blue. But I'll take em down I'll take em down, and open up the door for you."
"And all I feel, in my stomach is butterflies. The beautiful kind, making up for lost time taking flight making me feel like..."
The rest of the song we sang together, our voices mixing. Our eyes connected at points in the song and I felt nervous, as if I was on my first roller coaster ride or I had a big test that I didn't study for or when your crush holds your.....

Shuck. I have a crush on Newt. I keep telling myself not to get attached to people but, it always happens. And I end up devastated when they leave.

We finished the recording and headed back out, then to our next classes. I waited and waited for the final bell, then I ran to my dorm room to prepare for Newt's arrival.

Newt Imagines {rewrites coming soon}Where stories live. Discover now