{Newt} Dragon Riding {Request}

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This imagine was requested by blossum3000
Now, I have never seen How To Train Your Dragon, so this is probably gonna be a little rough. I know the general plot though so I hope this is good.
I also know nothing of how funerals work in this fandom so I'm just gonna work with my current knowledge.

The arrows whipped past their heads, sending the first signal of the hunters. The dragons began to fly faster, evading the arrows. They were suddenly bucked from their dragons as they panicked, flying around anxiously. They tumbled to the ground rolling in the dirt.
"(Y/N), are you alright?" Newt yelled out to the (h/c) haired girl, looking in her direction.
"Yeah, I'm fine!" She yelled back, patting the dirt from her outfit. As more arrows sipped past the group quickly got out their own weapons. (Y/N) and Hiccup had a bow and Newt had a sword. As the hunters steadily came into view the two archers began firing, providing covering fire so Newt wouldn't get ambushed. They started taking them out one by one, each falling shortly after the one before. As Newt panted, our of breath from the fighting, he heard a faint whisper.
"Newt..." He turned to see (Y/N), eyes pointed down at her stomach. He followed the line of her eyesight down an arrow lodged in her abdomen, just above the hip. He rushed over to her as she collapsed.

"Hey, hey, it's alright I got you. You're gonna be alright." Newt held her in his arms, his voice a tone between a whisper and normal speaking.
"You remember those flower crowns I used to make you? The ones I thought you looked so good in?" He nodded slowly as they smiled at each other. "Wear one at my funeral, okay? For me." Tears began to well in both their eyes.
"No, you aren't gonna die. We're gonna get you back to the village and you'll be fine." He frantically looked around, preparing to pick her up and carry her to his dragon.
"Newt, I love you. And I always will." Her eyes fluttered shut but she kept a slow yet rhythmic breathing. Her dragon, a small white female with icy blue eyes, slowly walked over. The dragon looked at (Y/N)'s unconscious body with a look of sadness neither Newt nor Hiccup had ever seen before. It was a look of mourning.
By the time they reached the village, she was gone. Gone for 3 minutes and 22 seconds in case you wanted to know. The preparation for the funeral started later that evening. 

Newt stayed in his room while they set up the funeral. He refused to believe any of it was real, but rather just an elaborate dream. He held the flower crown in his hand, looking at it as he noticed the flowers slowly wilting. He started crying more heavily, the thought of her being gone tearing away at him. Hiccup came to get him about an hour later for the start of the funeral. Newt placed the crown on top of his head and walked outside the room, building up the courage to face the ugly truth. He didn't wanna confirm she was gone.
As he walked, he got looks of sympathy from everyone attending. They knew he was closest to her, closer than family. They knew he loved her, and she loved him. And they knew it was eating away at him that she was gone. He approached the table where she lay. Had he known any better he would say she was sleeping, but we all know he's past convincing himself this isn't true.
She was wearing a pale blue dress, the sleeves long to cover her arms. She wore a pair of boots under the dress, a complete contrast to the dress. Newt laughed a little. Her hair hadn't been touched, laying in a natural position. Yet something seemed off to him. He took the flower crown off his head put it onto (Y/N)'s delicately, not disturbing a single hair on her head. He leaned down to give her one final kiss before turning and walking back down the aisle. As he walked, all the dragons bowed their heads, mourning the loss of a child. Newt just kept walking.

Two weeks passed and Newt rarely came out of his room. He couldn't eat, he couldn't sleep, he cried almost everyday and never cleaned up. His room was a hurricane of clutter, random stuff thrown about the room. But everyone has a breaking point. And this was Newt's.
It was what would have been her 18th birthday. He held the gift he was gonna give her in his hands; a carved wooden ring, sanded down smooth with carvings throughout it. He threw on a coat and left his room, ignoring whoever he passed. He walked to the beach they buried her in, looking at her grave. It made it all too real.
He placed the ring on top of the grave, kneeling down to eye level with the small hill of stones marking the grave.
"It's your birthday today, (Y/N). Today was the day we were finally gonna leave, find a place of our own. But now we don't get to." A single tear fell on the grave. Then another. And another. He stood up and wiped his eyes. "I'll see you soon." He walked farther down the beach, looking at the giant rock that stood before him. He climbed halfway up, gripping the rock as he stood on a small ledge.
"Newt! Stop!" He looked down to see Hiccup yelling at him. He didn't move. "Come down, please!"
"I can't." His voice quavered more than even he was expecting. "I can't."
"This isn't what she would want! You have to come down!"
"I don't know what else to do!" He screamed, his frustration bubbling inside him. "She's gone, and now I can't just live life like it was a month ago. Because now there's this void I didn't even know could be there! I'm losing my mind and I can't stop it!" The tears ran down his face in rivers now. His grip began to slip as he leaned forward.
"Newt no!"
He let go, his body slowly falling through the sky. "I'm sorry." His body hit with a thud, pain running from his leg to his back to his head. All he heard was Hiccup running to him before he passed out from the pain.
"Hey, wake up." He was awoken by a soft female voice, one that sounded familiar.
"Come on silly. Get up." He opened his eyes to see a shimmering (Y/N), looking identical to how she did at the funeral.
"How are you here?" His confusion was evident in his voice. She only laughed.
"It's your mind." She said, sitting next to him. "I don't know how it works." He looked to her with sudden realization.
"So I'm not dead?"
Her face turned solemn. "No. I won't let you die. I don't care about excuses. You're gonna live if I have anything to say about it."  She looked him in the eyes before smiling again. "Now wake up dummy."

Newt woke up crying. He didn't know why, nor how it happened so suddenly. Then he remembered what she said. 'I won't let you die.' He then made himself a promise to never give up. And never stop fighting.

Okay this is really bad but again I know nothing about this.
I hope it was decent and I'm sorry it took so long.
Anyyyywayyy, hope you liked it! I have more chapters coming soon!

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