{Newt} I Wanted Her First

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Newt was furious.

The boy who had been his best friend since he came up in the Box had her heart. He was able to make her do anything for him cause she was wrapped around his finger. And Newt was wrapped around hers.
Since the first time they talked he knew she was special, and she had the ability to make him do anything. He smiled whenever she was around, he laughed more, felt happier. He couldn't help it. She just had that affect on him.

But no matter how much he wanted her, she loved Minho more. And Newt hated it. Newt loved her first, and it wasn't fair that Minho got to hold her like he wanted too or kiss her like he wanted too. Newt was jealous beyond comprehension of words. But every time he saw how happy she was with him it melted away. Cause seeing her happy brightened up his day, even when he wasn't the reason.
Newt still remembered the day she came up in the box. She was scared and alone, all curled up into a ball in the corner, but when Newt tried to help her out she punched him square in the jaw. Afterwards she aggressively apologized, receiving an 'Its fine, believe me!' everytime. Since then the two were inseparable, until her crush on Minho began.

Newt listened as (Y/N) talked non-stop about him. He hated listening to her talk that way about him, but her eyes lit up and she smiled and he seemed to just not care anymore. That smile always made him not be able to care.
The day the Asian runner asked her out Newt totally lost it. He ran deep into the woods and punched a tree until his knuckles bled, thinking to himself that he could have stopped it, had he just manned up and told her he liked her before he did. He couldn't hold anything against Minho, though. Had he known Newt liked her, he never would have asked her out. That's just the kind of friend he was.

Then Thomas came up in the box. Newt thought it'd be a good idea to rant to the Greenie at the bonfire while slightly drunk. Little did Newt know Thomas was a blabbermouth.
He told Minho everything. From Newt's jealousy to his being wrapped up in her. Minho decided to approach Newt one day to talk about it.
"Newt, I wanna talk about something." The runner pulled him aside so they were standing behind the homestead.
"Yeah?" Newt stood with his arms crossed over his chest. He didn't have time for this, there was work to do.
"Thomas told me about what you said to him about (Y/N.)" Newt rolled his eyes and made a mental note to yell at Thomas later. "Look, if you'd had told me you liked her I wouldn't have asked her out. Yeah I like her but not as much as it seems you do."
"You have no bloody idea." He said, his hands running through his hair.
"I'll get you two together, no matter what." Minho said, determination lacing his voice.
"What about you?"
"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." Minho ran off and Newt stood there confused for a second. Then he realized it; Minho had a plan. And when Minho has a plan, it's probably gonna end up going terribly wrong.

Newt decided to wait it out and see what happened. Both Minho and (Y/N) arrived to lunch at the same time, both smiling. Minho had a smirk on his face, which meant he had bad intentions.
Once lunch was over and everyone was back to work, Newt kept thinking about what Minho said. Minho mentioned that 'he would be fine' if Newt was with her and not him. Newt was probably just dumb but he wondered what that meant.
When he got a break, Newt decided to visit (Y/N) in the Medjack hut. He slowly opened the door before peeking his head in to see a bored looking (Y/N) sat on a stool organizing supplies. She turned her head to look at Newt when she heard the door open.
"Hey, love." Newt walked in and shut the door. "You look bored."
"I am. The only incidents we've had today were two slicers who cut themselves like usual, Frypan burned his hand, and the most exciting thing being a builder who got a nail stuck in his hand. It took no effort to take care of."
"Sounds pretty boring." Newt chuckled while he sat down on the cot. (Y/n) stood up and leaned against the counter, her back to Newt.
"You know, Minho told me the funniest thing about you today." She turned around smirking. Newt immediately became curious.
"And what would that be?"
"He told me you liked me." Newt's face paled and his cheeks flushed red. He started stuttering and (Y/N) laughed. "Calm down. I like you too."
"But what about you and Minho?"
"Me and Minho broke up a week ago. I'm surprised you of all people didn't notice." (Y/N) took his hand in hers and looked up at him. "I realized I had feelings for somebody else and broke up with him. He took it very well for somebody with such a big ego." They both chuckled.
"So does this mean you'll go out with me?" Newt asked, a dorky smile on his face which made (Y/N) laugh.
"Of course."
They pulled into a tight hug that lasted awhile, just of them breathing each other in.

"I'm never telling Thomas anything again."
"Yeah that's probably a good idea."

Hey guys! I got my update up! So basically what I'm gonna do is update this book every Sunday and my other book every Saturday, just to make it more convenient and easier for me.

Also, my smut book is in the works! It should be up in a bout a week, but you guys said you wanted to see it so I'll be writing it. I won't update it as much as my other books but I'll probably update every other week or something.

Bye guys!

Newt Imagines {rewrites coming soon}Where stories live. Discover now