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As Jungkook placed the white set of flowers on the grave of a stranger- 'whom he admired the most' , a soft smile found it's way on his thin lips "Happy birthday Taehyung.", he muttered before closing his eyes, trying to show respect towards the dead in front of him.

Three year ago, Jungkook had woken up from his deep slumber, surprising everyone who had expected him not to. It was a miracle according to the doctors, being one of the rare cases, Jungkook surely was lucky.

Waking up took away a part of his memory, though he remembered Taehyung. Doctor's said it was natural, since he was the last person the latter saw before slipping in coma.

Jimin gave him Taehyung's letter on the third day of his release. No one thought that a single letter could affect Jungkook's health to an extent where he started skipping meals. He would lock himself in his room, avoiding every living comfort he was receiving.

After 3 months, Jungkook started behaving normal. It wasn't until one day he told Junghyun that Taehyung used to see him... and that he wasn't hallucinating.

It all started with an apology letter, Jungkook's delusion that is.

The doctors said that Taehyung had passed his psychosis to the latter, making him believe that his soul did wander around with the boy.

Junghyun would often wake up at nights to his younger brother's horrifying screams echoing in the mansion. It had resulted in him shifting Jungkook in a Psychiatric ward which was painfully hard for both of them.

It took Jungkook two years to recover from the shock and trauma of Taehyung's death. Doctors believed that Jungkook was healthy and finally ready to go home.

The first thing Jungkook did when he was freed from the asylum was knocking on Jimin's door "Was Taehyung really hallucinating?" He had asked.

"Let's go, Kook." A small hand found it's way on Jungkook's shoulder, making the latter stand up from his kneeling position. He smiled at Taehyung's grave one last time before turning on his heels.

Jimin too glanced at his best friend's grave for the last time before walking towards his car. It was finally the day he was going to fulfil the promise that he had made to Jungkook 6 months ago. And that is why they were on their way to Dr.Lee's house.

Jungkook looked so much better and healthier to Jimin. And the latter couldn't be any happier.

As the car stopped, Jungkook instantly jogged out, not waiting for Jimin to follow. His sweaty hands found their way inside his jean pocket, as he stared at the door in front of him contemplating on whether he should knock or not.

"He doesn't bite.", Jimin said as he rang the doorbell. A childish grin plastered on his face, "You'd love him."

A creak sound caught both the boys attention, making them adjust their postures, "How may I help you?", an old lady thrusted her head out of the small gap. A frown evident on her wrinkled face.

"Ahm.. I'm- we're here to meet Dr.Lee."

The lady muttered a small curse before disappearing inside. Jimin and Jungkook waited outside, one fiddling with the car keys and the other chewing onto his bottom lip, both the males nervous as fuck.

When the door opened completely, it revealed Dr.Lee, "What are you doing here?", he asked with narrowed eyes. The smile Jimin used to love, completely gone, making the latter sigh, "Jungkook wanted to meet you." Dr.Lee stared at both the boys longer than he intended to before nodding and opening the door wide, to let them in.


The Coffee was bitter, something that Jungkook hated with all his gut, "Thank you", he managed to smile.

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