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Taehyung's feet moved faster as he sensed someone following him through the alley, he didn't slow the pace until he reached the safety of the busy streets. The alleys were the darkest and scariest path's he used to pass through everyday, and the feeling of being followed was always there.

Taehyung being the loner, had no 'walk home' buddies either. He used to be alone most of the time, and it wasn't helping in improving his socialising skills at all. He used to get nervous and embarrassed himself whenever someone tried to pull up a conversation. Most of the kids in school bullied him, and the other's were scared to be around him, in fear of being bullied as well.

Taehyung finally arrived home and was greeted by a horrifying scene. A naked man had his dick shoved up his mothers vagina. In instance, Taehyung covered his eyes and let out a loud scream.

Mrs Kim wasn't able to speak through emotions and cry, but her sad tone and pleading was enough for assuring Taehyung that his mother was being rapped. He wanted someone from neighbourhood to come and rescue his mother, but no one came, so he had to take actions himself.

"GET OFF HER, YOU ASSHOLE." He yelled and grabbed the nearest object (lamp) and threw it on the man. The man stopped and removed himself out of his mother, Taehyung looked aside as hot tears rolled down his eyes. Mrs. Kim curved in a ball and covered herself in a blanket, while whispering "no no no no no no no" "please please please please please."

Taehyung was suddenly shoved against the wall, as a strong punch landed across his face "You little son of a bitch." Taehyung looked behind the person and saw his mother crying. It broke his heart because it was the first time he had seen her crying, surely it had affected her a lot, that it made her express how she really was feeling.

Something twitched inside Taehyung, making him punch the man and kick him on his manhood. The feeling was too strong, he was angry and all he wanted to do was beat the crap out of the naked man in front of him, who did dirty to his mother.

Taehyung kicked the man on his stomach several times before grabbing the burning candle from the table, and shoving the lit part in the person's eye.

The man let out a yelp as his eyes burned down, his hand subconsciously reached to hold his eye as he twisted and screamed in pain.

Taehyung didn't feel satisfied, he wanted to kill the person who made his mother cry. He ran towards the kitchen and grabbed a knife.

"I will kill you, fucking bastard."


How can Kai see Jungkook? Taehyung is yet not sure about it, it's been a week since he dropped by, and is living with him since then. Taehyung haven't told him about Jungkook, thinking that he's gonna face the same consequences as him.

Taehyung's sessions are going pretty well, though he haven't opened up a lot.
Dr. Lee doesn't force him either, he's sure that the younger would eventually open up and wouldn't regret doing so.

Taehyung's father barely shows up at their place, and when he does, he seems sober. The scent of liquor has vanished from his house and it finally feels like home, to Taehyung.

On the other hand Kim Namjoon and his team haven't yet got any information about the suspect who had escaped a week ago.

Prosecutor Jung, is busy with Jeon injury case and has managed to keep the other cases away, including Taehyung's mother's murder case. He promised himself to start the case as soon as the jeon case closes.

Sung Rok, who was arrested, had gotten bailed due to the late court dates, though his visa and passport have been blocked by the korean government.

Jimin has started dating Yoongi and seems more happy and great full with his life.

Jungkook haven't shown any signs of waking up, and a person has increased in his visiting list, which is Taehyung in general. Junghyun have gotten to know better about Taehyung and is happy that someone actually cares about his brother.

Third person p.o.v

"Hi Jongsuk." Taehyung cheerfully greeted his Dr, as he sat on the glass chair.

"Hi Tae, you seem happy." Dr.Lee grinned and removed a pack of candies from his side pocket. "You know candies always helps in making your day a little better." He said as he tossed the packet toward Taehyung, which he eagerly caught and opened it before stuffing his face with the sweet candies.

"Do you and your friend wanna go somewhere today?"

"He's not with me, he didn't come." Taehyung said truthfully, making Dr.Lee smile "That's good."

"By the way, I wanted to tell you something."

"And that is?"

"Do you remember, how I talked to you about my step brother?"

"I do."

"Well, he's kind of at my place."

Dr.Lee's face didn't show any emotion, as he got to hear about a new information from his client. He sure was disappointed but didn't let it reach his face, he knew more than Taehyung thought he knew about him. Being a psychiatrist he had to find ways to help a person with his mental issues, and Taehyung's case was one of the rare cases he had come through yet. He didn't want to tell Taehyung the whole truth until the latter opens up fully to him.

"Is that a good thing?" Dr.Lee brought back his smile on his face as he looked at the younger questionably.

"No... and Yes. I mean- I-" Taehyung paused and looked at his doctor with fear filled eyes.

"Yes Taehyung?"

"He can see Jungkook."

For Taehyung, Dr.Lee looked amazed, so he lifted his brows in confusion "Aren't you surprised?"

"Let's go for a movie." Dr.Lee said as he stood up and cheerfully bounced across the room, until he reached the front door "Who ever looses the cycle race, pays for the popcorn." Taehyung instantly jolted out of his seat and rushed out giggling, as he knew that his Dr would eventually pay for everything since he was broke.

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