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Y'all are so precious.. omfg 30k reads is massive. I sarang you so much :"")

Taehyung's p.o.v

Don't talk to much kookie, you know that these people would think I'm crazy if I reply.

"Why is that important to you?"

I don't know, isn't it important to everyone? 'what others might think?'

"Not to me Tae."

They can't see you dummy

My lips curved in a smile, as I tried to hold back a giggle.

"But you can"

What do you-

"A problem becomes a problem only if you believe it to be so. And often others see you as you see yourself."

And there goes my brain in a deep hibernation.

Jungkook just smiled, making me think what he actually meant. As I diverted my gaze away from the Pretty boy and looked outside the window, my mind started clouding with thoughts.... the kind of thoughts I never had.

Does world actually see you the way you see yourself?

I would've called it bullshit, but since Jungkook has said it, I would want to give it a try.

Well.. now that I'm thinking, I realised that it was Dr.Lee who had stated it in one of our sessions. But why did Jungkook use the phrase right now? Well.. I have no Idea.

"You should try it now." Said Jungkook, making me straighten my posture and look around the bus. People seemed busy, most of them on their phones and few chatting with their friends or family. I looked down and examined my attire, and to be honest I looked great. I was wearing one of my best shirts with my new ripped jeans. I looked like... myself.

"Be confident Taehyung, today is your day."

What am I supposed t-

Before I could finish my sentence, it started pouring heavily. The water droplets seeping through the open window, hitting me directly on my face and body, ruining my clothes in process.

I sighed and shut the window, not realising the presence of a kid's hand, accidentally hitting him a little. My eyes widened as the small boy started crying "S-sorry- I-Sorry..." I clumsily stood up and examined the little boys hand from afar to find literally nothing.

Did the window actually hit him?

"You fucking bastard."

What the-

I stared at the lady, who held her child towards her chest, as she abruptly stood up "You motherfucker. How fucking dare you hit my son?"

"I'm sorry I didn't-" I was cut short by another abuse thrown in my direction by the lady

"ARE YOU FUCKING BLIND? YOU MOTHER FUCKER. ARE YOU FUCKING BLIND?" I didn't look around, afraid of finding someone laughing at my situation.

Jungkook held his hand towards her face signaling her to 'shut up' but the lady kept going on. I slumped in my seat feeling small as she kept abusing me for hurting her son.

Why did I not respond back? because somewhere down the line I knew that it was my fault. I should've checked if there were any hands outside the window, before shutting it.

Now you know why I can't be confident Jun-

"Stop it already, if the boy's not defending himself doesn't mean that you'd keep abusing." My eyes widened as someone commented, I didn't dare to look up and see who spoke, cause truly.. I felt embarrassed.

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