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Third person p.o.v
(Taehyung's focus)

What have I done?

Taehyung sobbed heavily, soaking the bed sheets in process

Taehyung had wiped away the foot prints and the blood spots on floor and walls. He had then spilled water near the end of the balcony to make it look like accident. He had basically taken care of the situation by wiping away all the evidence and running back home.

He knew what he did was a crime but Jungkook's death was accidental, or atleast that's what he thought.

Taehyung was sure that Jungkook wouldn't have survived such a fall, and he was basically dead for Taehyung.

Taehyung had already prepared a plan on how to avoid the situation and look innocent but his inner guilt was killing him.

He took a day off from work and cried till his eyes and head hurt. Everything seemed unreal, he had just killed someone on top of that he made the evidence disappear.

It was the most regretful thing he had ever done and it was killing him alive.

"Please make it stop" Jungkook's scream was constantly ringing in his head, and it wasn't helping the situation.

"I-I'm so s-sorry Ju-j-jungkook, I'm so sorry" The regret was too much to handle, his heart was hurting and so was his head. He was feeling the similar pain he had once felt.

And the situation that he had forgotten long back had flashed in, and the pain just doubled.


Third person p.o.v
(Junghyun's focus)

Junghyun sat outside the operation theatre mourning over his brother.

It had already been three hours and the Operation still was going on.

Junghyun felt his world crash when he first received a phone call

"Your brother fell from the school balcony, he's in the operation theatre" Mrs.lee, Jungkook's school principal had said.

Junghyun had rushed to the hospital and hasn't stopped crying since he reached the place.

"How's he, he's okay right?" Was his first question and "How did this happen?" His second

"It was an accident." Mrs.Lee had said, but that didn't quite convince Junghyun. Nothing could convince him more than a police after investigating.

He sobbed while holding his face in his hands when the doctors walked out of the OT, one of them stopped by and looked at Junghyun and Mrs.Lee "Who's the family member?"

"I-I me.. I am" Junghyun shuttered and looked at the doctor hopefully

"Are you patient's brother?"

"Y-yes... doctor how's he, he's okay right?"

"Sadly he's not, I'm sorry Sir."

The tears were never ending, and it felt like someone had just stabbed him in the chest


"Your brother is in coma."

The realisation hit him like a truck.
'Coma' was the only word replaying in his head. His little brother was in Coma.

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