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If you complete this chapter in one go then you're a hero 🦸‍♀️ 🦸‍♂️ Good luck


Everyone knew what that place was famous for, Taehyung did too, and that is why he had brought Jungkook there. While staring at the city, the older's hand shakily found the others.

Taehyung kept himself steady, letting all his nervousness slip down. His right hand holding Jungkook's left, as they enjoyed the sunset together. The birds seemed to have disappeared from the sky making it look plain with shades of orange red and yellow lingering together.

The cold breeze hit the latter's body, making him shake and giggle in anticipation. Taehyung didn't feel cold even after wearing his night pjs, perhaps the warmth in his heart was burning away the coldness in the atmosphere.

It was okay to say that he was feeling contented just by Jungkook on his side. The conversation they had earlier that morning flashed through his mind like a night cracker. It was dangerously beautiful for Taehyung.

"When things get difficult, Life seems prettier." Jungkook had said making the older raise his eyebrows in confusion. "Who wants to live a boring life with no spice in it?"

"I do. Isn't boring better than putting yourself on the edge of a knife, risking it all?" Jungkook had smiled at Taehyung's reply.

"When you yourself are the reason behind your flesh against a knife the pain in less."

"That doesn't make any sense."

"Your disorder is not your biggest flaw Tae. The way you look at it is." Taehyung was reminded of Dr.Lee's words 'A problem big or small, lays in the eyes of the viewer.' A confusing phrase indeed, but it had laid a huge impact on him. He knew what Jungkook and Dr.Lee meant, but were any of his problems worth not being called as problems? Was it okay to say that his problem's where small?

"The peace comes from within. If you're going to look for it outside, things might turn scary. For you, and for other's."

"You know how it is. I can't get peace even if I try to get it. I don't want to see stuff." The tears were already brimming Taehyung's eyes, making him drown in his own self pity.

"You need to be truthful to your medication Tae."

"I want to. But I can't. I don't know how anymore." Jungkook knew what was going through Taehyung's head and that is why he said "I will always be with you. I promise."

Taehyung's lips curved upwards as he closed his eyes and let the memory slip in "I love you because I want to, not because you want me to."

"Thank you." He said, the child like smile never leaving his face.

"Do you regret anything Tae? Would you like to change anything?" Taehyung shook his head. His goal as clear as ice lurking in front of him, making him happier.

"Now that I'm here, I don't regret anything..." Said Taehyung with so much pride "Nothing was ever my fault. I'm not ashamed anymore. Not of myself. Not of my mother."

Jungkook smiled hastily "What about Jongin?"

"I'm not ashamed that Jongin died, it was his destiny."

"It wasn't." Taehyung wasn't surprised by the sudden appearance of Kai on his left. "Jongin wasn't supposed to die that day Taehyung. Do you not remember it still?"

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