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Third person p.o.v

"Why would someone kill a watch man?" Jackson sat inside the police-jeep and buckled his seat belt.

"These days, people don't need reasons to kill someone... they do it for fun." Chanyeol spoke through grunted teeth as he started the ignition and drove off to the hospital.

Chanyeol and Jackson had earlier got a phone call about the murder, that had taken place near the Han river. No one had seen it happening as it was midnight, people assumed that- the watchman was walking home from his nightshift and got stabbed by some psychopath. His dead body was found half an hour later by a couple, walking down the bridge.

"The murderer could've just thrown the body in the river, why would he let it stay there?" Jackson asked while tapping his foot impatiently on the car mat.

"Are there any officers taking care of Jungkook, right now?" Chanyeol asked, realising that they had left, before forechecking if there were any other officers in the hospital.

"I don't think so." Jackson said with wide eyes, both the males looked at eachother as Chanyeol sped the vehicle.

"What if it was a trap?"

"It can't be, let's think positive." Chanyeol said, as the speed of the car kept increasing.

Third person p.o.v
(Taehyung's focus)

"Surprise, surprise.. Aren't you the one who pushed Jungkook? Police is so dumb, can't they realise how easy it is to find the real criminal? They're making an easy case very complicated." The delivery man said while walking towards Taehyung, still pointing the gun towards him. "Let's finish this chapter right now."

Taehyung's body subconsciously kept moving behind as the delivery man kept walking towards him. Jungkook on the other hand kept pleading Taehyung to- order him to grab the gun.

"Who are you?" Taehyung asked and took another step back, knocking down the flower vase.

"Are you purposely making noises? Don't you know that this room is in the farthest corner, and your voice wouldn't be heard from here." He pushed the gun in his pocket and walked towards the chair, placing his butt on it. "Give me a reason to spare you." He continued while motioning the younger male to sit on the couch besides the bed, and his chair.

"Do what he says" Jungkook said "Go and sit, distract him."

Taehyung sat on the couch uncomfortably, still looking at the gun in the strangers pocket.

Jungkook, grab the gun. Grab it from his pocket

Taehyung kept repeating the same sentence in his head but nothing happened, so he looked at Jungkook and then back at the gun, asking him to grab it.

"Do you have any reasons to why I should spare you?" Taehyung didn't answer, his gaze was fixed on Jungkook's every move.

Take it, Take it, Take it

Jungkook's hand passed through the delivery guy's body, making Taehyung sigh under his breath.

"FUCK." Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair, biting his lips in anticipation "What do we-" Jungkook stopped and looked at the room door. "Taehyung, distract him for a while... I'll be back." He said before walking past the door.

"Don't you have any reason? Come on, we're running out of time."

"You were going to kill Jungkook, I did it for you" Taehyung said, hiding his fear and looking straight into the strangers eyes

"You didn't kill him, he's in coma"

"That mean's, he's half dead."

"Why did you push him?"

"Taehyung don't say anything...there's a camera in the room." Taehyung briefly looked at Jungkook who had just walked inside the room "The police is hear... just few more minutes."

"I didn't push him." Taehyung said

"Really?" The oldest one in the room smirked and stood up from the chair "Are you lying?"

"Why would I? I have no reasons to lie, I didn't even know about his injury for a weak."

"You just told me that you killed him for me."

"I was just distracting you. Aren't you the dumb one? How can you waste your time in building up a conversation with your prey?" Taehyung smirked as he heard the footsteps getting closer to their room.

The delivery man looked at the door and removed his gun from the side pocket of his delivery pants before pointing it towards Taehyung. "You son of a bitch." he hissed as the door of the room swung open.

"Don't move." Officer Park and Officer wang said breathlessly as they pointed their guns towards the delivery guy.

"Taehyung, he's going to shoot you on the head, dodge the bullet." Jungkook said as he saw the older male pulling the trigger. Taehyung was too shocked to even move a finger, he remained there while Jungkook kept asking him to bend down

Before the delivery man could shoot Taehyung, Jackson shot him on his arm, making him drop the weapon and then shot him on the leg, making him loose his balance and stumble on the ground.

Officer Park was quick to grab the gun from the ground and hold the injured male up, handcuffing his hands.

"Make a phone call to the petrol room and ask for a back up team." Jackson nodded before taking out his cellphone.


"Aren't you Kim Taehyung? Jeon Jungkook's school mate?" Officer Kim asked as he walked inside the hospital room, holding a file in his hands

"Yeah, that's me." Taehyung said

"I wanted to talk to you, I'm happy that we met here." Namjoon sat on the chair besides the couch, where Taehyung was seated with Jungkook.

"If he asks you- what were you doing here?, then simply say that you were being polite by paying a visit to a fellow school mate. Don't talk a lot, because you ramble bullshit." Taehyung ignored Jungkook and gave a confused look to the officer.

"What is it?"

"Mr. Jung want's to reopen your mother's murder Case"


Have a nice day, eat well, sleep well, stay healthy and remain happy. I Love you 💕

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