Why did they leave us?

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About a week ago, my brother sat us down and told us the story that my sisters and I have been wanting to hear for years.

He told us the story of why our parents gave us up.

It was just a normal day, I was finishing the last chapter of Rosa on wattpad, Paige was playing with viper, Veronica was researching something for her science camp in a few weeks. I had on rebellion playing in the background, a linkin park song that was my favorite, when Richie came home from work.

"It's five in the morning, why are you still awake?!" Richie yelled through the intercom. I ran towards the intercom and turned it on.











APART! " I tried to scream like Chester Bennington but I coughed after 'apart' and started having a coughing fit.

"Alright, I sense you are done singing linkin park. since you guys are up I guess I can do it now, come downstairs, I have a story to tell." he said, I pressed the button again.

"It's not a sappy, stupid, weird, love story is it?" I said and he sighed

"Just come down." he said, I ran down the steps with Naja and luna, running into the living room I flipped on the couch where Richie already sat with Veronica and paige.

"Okay, I'm gonna tell you the story you've all been wanting to hear for years now." he said and I smiled wide.

"Are we gonna finally hear about your hooker job!!" I yelled, he glared at me.

"Why our parents gave us away." he said

The entire room went serious.

"When I was little, about seven years old. mom and dad began to abuse me, when Veronica was born, they raised her and Alaska, when she was born a year later, until they were about five and six, they locked Alaska and Veronica in a room together while our mom and dad abused them. mom was pregnant with Paige at the time, I felt helpless, like I could do nothing to protect my baby sisters, because I was afraid of our parents.

One day, when I was coming home from school, I decided to make a deal with mom and dad.

All they wanted was to abuse someone, I let them hit me and abuse me all they want until Paige was born, but they couldn't touch Alaska or

Veronica. and when Paige was born, they had to give us away at the orphanage. and they agreed, so they beat me and beat me until I was bleeding from my mouth and nose, bruised and cut up, burned I cigarettes and stabbed with needles until the day Paige was born, a few days after she was born, there we sat on the front steps of the orphanage.

When I realized they were just as neglectful as our parents, I waited until I was old enough to buy a house and take you guys with me. and here we are today." he said, I looked around and my sisters were silently crying, then I realized I was crying too.

I shot up from my spot on the couch and tackled Richie, hugging him tight and crying into his shoulder.

My sisters followed and hugged him too.

"We love you Richie, thank you for everything you do for us." Veronica said as Paige and Veronica let go, but I didn't. And I wasn't planning on it for a really long time.

Richie is the kindest, over protective, lovable big brother I could ever ask for, to think that he was beat half to death to protect us and he wasn't a mean, grumpy, abusive big brother Is a miracle considering what they put him through.

I love you Bubbie :P

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