chapter thirty seven

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qotc: fav song?



My eyes follow her as she exits the backyard. "Well well well. Would ya look at that, the boy in the relationship was actually right" Taylor says, causing all the guys to nod.

"Seriously when does that happen" shawn adds.

I don't even listen to what they're saying, I just sit there. I still feel like a douche even though I'm right. I honestly thought Chris was going along with this, that's why I did it in the first place. Turns out Christina screwed me over. Too bad I was dumb enough not to realize sooner.

I slowly open the gate, and spot Chris sitting down on the porch steps, her knees pulled to her chest, probably crying.

I slowly walk over to her, and sit down, keeping my distance. I can tell her sobs quiet down, because I'm pretty sure she knows I'm sitting next to her. Her head rises from her knees, and she wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand. "Don't ask why I was so stupid to believe her" she blurts out, looking straight at the road.

I didn't reply, I just looked at the road with her. This was not a comfortable silence, and it wasn't awkward, it was a mixture of both.

"So I'm sorry. I'm sorry for believing Christina. I'm sorry I got mad at you for something you didn't do. Actually, you did do something. You kissed Christina behind my back" she says, a little more force in her voice as she comes to the topic of Christina.

I don't say a word, I remain silent.

"I mean I can expect her trying to do something like that, because it's Christina. But you didn't have to keep it from me. I wouldn't of gotten so mad. If it was another girl, then I would of been furious. But this is Christina, doing this kind of stuff is her thing, so you telling me I wouldn't of been so mad" she says calmly.

I take in a breath, and then let it out before speaking.

"I know you hate her and I thought that if I kissed her you would be really mad because she's my ex. That's why I thought it would be better if you didn't know" I say turning to look at her. Her gaze is kept on the road.

"Your right, it would of been better if I didn't know. The past is the past, until it comes up to kick your ass" she says a slight laugh after. I laugh as well, and she turns to me, then back at the road.

"That ryhmes" I say, repeating it in my head.

"Hey, hayes does know something" she says sarcastically, laughing, as well as me.

"So my ass was just kicked by the past, is what your saying?" I asked, a smirk on my face. She turns to look at me and giggles.

"No, you just got your ass beaten by the past" she says causing us to laugh.

"So what happens now?" I ask. She sighs and looks at the road.

"Hayes your my bestfriend, and I love you. I just - i don't thibk I'm ready to forgive you yet.." She trails off, turning to look at me.

Well this sucks ass. I just got her to be mine, we were finally in a good place, until I had to fuck things all up. Well that's just great. But I am not in the mood to try and force her to forgive me, because then we will end up in the stage where we only say rude things to each other, and the rest of the time it's silent.

"B-But we're still friends right?" I asked hoping, praying, she would say yes.

"Sadly" she sarcastically says, and I playfully nudge her with my shoulder. She scoots closer to me, and we start talking.

Friends?//Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now