chapter thirty five

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qotc: fav show?



I turn around and Hayes is standing there, next to Christina, Brandon and Cora. What the fuck just happened. They just poured all this shit on me and blamed something on me that was Cora's fault. I jump off the table, and run out of the restaurant. As soon as I get outside, all eyes fall on me. I don't hesitate, I run home. I don't care about the stares, I care about getting home and figuring this all out. After I get cleaned up.

As soon as I get home, I pray that no one is home. I don't feel like getting bombarded with questions. I walk inside, and run upstairs. The mustard sauce and mayo drips along the floor, leaving a path. Great. That's just great. I quickly hop into the shower, trying to wash all of this food off as soon as I can, because I hate the smell.

After one hour, I am fully clean from the smell, the stains on my skin, and my hair is clean. My shower/bath is a brownish red color. I gag at the sight and quickly shut the shower curtain. I brush my teeth, and spray perfume, because I was wrong, I still have the faintest smell. I comb out my hair, making sure I have no chunks of sauce in my hair, and then putting it in a French braid.

I go downstairs and see a note on the counter.

Hi Christiana and Cora!

Your father and I are going to be away for a week, Beca is coming back for that week so you can stay with her, or go to the Grier's. Lola is away with her friends so I'm not sure when she will be back. Behave for Beca if you stay home, and behave for the Grier's if you stay with them! Hugs and kisses! We love you both!

Mom and Dad xoxoxo

Well great, another business trip. And maybe I will stay home, I miss my sister, I think I need to spend some time with her. Before I can think any further, Christina bursts through the door, Brandon following. Great the last thing I need is her in my house.

"Look who decided to show up" Christina sneered.

"It's my house dumbass" I say rolling my eyes. "Look just make it quick, okay I dont really want to see you right now" I say looking at both if them.

"Wanna know who planned this?" She asked.

"I'm looking at her" I snort. How can she think she would believe that this wasn't her fault?

"Yeah but Hayes went along with it. He helped plan this whole thing" she said a fake smile across her face. I stopped.

Hayes did this?

"What are you talking about?" I ask turning around and stepping closer to them.

"You see, Hayes wanted to get back at you. Cora is your sister, so he thought why not get you, I mean you never dragged her back into your group, because of that nasty lie Cora made up" she says smirking. What, no. He would not ever do that. I know that.

"He would not" I growl through my teeth that are forced together.

"He would, just like he kissed me" she smiles, taking out her phone.

"He didn't kiss you. Maybe in your dreams, but not after we started dating" I say, trying to block the tears that are trying to leak from my eyes. She took out her phone, and handed me a picture.

Hayes was kissing Christina. He had ginger ale in his hand, and that's what he bought me when I was sick. So Christina was right. Steph and Becky were right. Everyone believed it but me.

"Well I think it's time for us to go. See ya around" Christina said before walking out the door. I sat at the counter, to angry to cry. This makes perfect sense.

Hayes didn't want to get Cora becasue he thinks it was my fault for letting her slip out of our group. I let her go to another group, which led her on, and she changed. If I kept her in our group, she wouldn't have changed. So he wanted to get back at me, for letting her go. So he got back at me. That's why he ditched me yesterday. That's why he kissed Christina so he could show me eventually and break me. Well he did.

I hear a knock on the door and I hesitantly open it. Oh look, it's Hayes.

"Chris" he said, wrapping me into a hug. I don't hug back, I stand there my arms at my side. If I could stop the butterflies from exploding in my stomach I would.

"Chris I-I'm so sorry I -" he started to say but I cut him off.

"You don't need to explain. You wanted to break me and you did. You wanted to get back at me for letting Cora be friends with Jayden and making up that rumor about you, and you acted like my friend all along, treated me like the only girl in the world, then broke me into little pieces that can't be fixed" I say wiping a tear I didn't know fell from my eyes.

"No Chris you don't understand -" he started to say, but I cut him off again.

"You know, why should I listen to you, you lied to me about kissing Christina, so why should I listen to you anyway? You totally screwed me over. I don't think I want to be friends with someone who screwed me over" I say about to shut the door, but he stopped it with his hand.

"But Chris, you said those three words, and I know you meant what you said" he says referring to 'i love you'. his eyes going from normal to glossy. I did say those three words. And it doesn't matter anymore.

"Your right, I mean it: I hate you" I say slamming the door. My back goes against the door, and I slide to the floor. I curl up into a ball, and cry into my knees. I just lost my best friend.


I slid back against her door and cried. I, Hayes Grier, quarter back of my football team, lacrosse player, is crying becasue of a girl who happens to be my best friend.

I just lost my best friend.


uh oh they ain't friends no more😩

aotc: you know you love me


gossip girl

(whoever watches it will get what I did there^^😂😑)

p.s. gossip girl is my obsession so a lot of references will be from there😂

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