chapter eighteen

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guys I have a feeling your goig to FLIP SHIT from a chapter that's coming in the future bc I pre - write them😂

hey update número dos within one hour wow okay I probs won't update later.. but tmrw at the same time(:


HAYES POV (srry I'm doing Hayes POV a lot loll)

The sun shined brightly through my window, as my eyes opened. I stretched out, and grabbed my phone, and texted Chris. I always text her good morning and goodnight, but today I am going to add something else.

Me: morning beautiful(:

I throw my phone on to my bedside table, and get dressed quickly. When I come back, I have a new message from Chris.

Chris: beautiful?(:

Me: yupp(:

Chris: thankyouu(: what are we doing today?

Me: idk wanna just hang at my place for a while, then we can like go to the movies or go penny boarding or something

Chris: okay sounds good(: what time should I come over?

Me: anytime you want. I can't wait to see you(:

Chris: me too(:

I smile, and wait around in my room, and after an hour and a half, Chris walks into my room.

"About time" I say playfully and she giggles. I give her a hug, and she immediately wraps her arms around my neck. She let's go and smiles.

"So what are we gonna do? I brought my penny board" she says.

"We can ride our penny boards to the park and go to the pond in the back" I suggest.

When Chris and I were 8, we found this little pond in the very back of the park. There are like frogs, and little fish, and there's a big rock we always used to climb. Now that I think about it, we haven't been there in a really long time. She nods, and we head downstairs. She grabs her penny board, and we ride to the park, which is about 10 minutes, but it's a nice ride. I remember when she didn't really know how to penny board, so I had to hold her hand while I ride to guide her. It was so cute.

"Remember when I couldn't penny board and you had to hold my hands?" She asks and I nod.

"I was just thinking about that" I say, and she smile. She holds out both her hands, and I grab them. She giggles, and we ride to the park.

When we get there, we have to carry our penny boards to the back where the pond is because the pathway is to rocky to ride. It's a very small and narrow path, so we have to walk single file. When we finally get there, we scramble to the big gray rock, and climb to the top. Her hands we behind her back, so she could sit comfortably. I did the same thing, and my hand ended up on top of hers, totally by accident. We both looked down at our hands, then at each other quickly. She gives a light smile, and looks back at the pond.

"Remember when we caught a bunch of frogs and fish and we put them in the pool?" She asked looking at me.

"We would of gotten away with it if nash and his friends didn't find them in the pool" I say chuckling, remembering that time.

It must of been like 5 years ago. It seems like yesterday. She giggled, and looked back at our hands. She was kind of just staring at them. I move my hand a little more on top of hers, and she smiled at me, taking her thumb and putting it over both our hands. I smiled at her, while she laid down on the rock. I laid down right next to her, staring up at the sky. It was a peaceful, and a comfortable silence. I kept moving closer to her, until I was right next to her, and our arms were touching. She grabbed my hand in hers, and I smiled to my self. Then her phone buzzed, and it was a message from Steph. I dont mean to eavesdrop, I just saw it.

"Remember this?" She said giving me her phone. It was a picture of us kissing underwater. She giggled and smiled at it.

"Did you know it was me?" She asked turning to me, probably referring to the picture.

"After a second or two" I say smiling. It's true, I knew it was Chris after I kissed her for a few seconds. When Christina and I kissed, it never felt like that, so I knew it had to be Chris. Well Chris has a small waist, and I know because I always pick her up and throw her in the pool, so I knew it was her.

"Really?" She asked, and I looked at her confused. Did I say that out loud?

"Oh I said that out loud didnt I?" I ask her and she nods giggling.

"You have no idea how cute your laugh is" I say, causing her to giggled even more.

Honestly it's the cutest thing ever. She looked at me, and her cheeks turned pink. She covered her face with her hands.

"What's wrong?" I asked sitting up a little.

"Im blushing and it's embarrassing" she mumbles, and I move her hands from her face.

"It's adorable" I whisper laying back down next to her.

This time I was on my side so I could face her. It was a little uncomfortable, but whatever. We continued talking there, for hours. Hours, and hours, and hours. I could talk to Chris forever. I was so comfortable with her, and I could tell she was comfortable with me too. After a while, we got up an decided to penny board back to my place. I held her hands while she penny boarded, and I could tell she was a little, like nervous. At my house, we went out back, and I tossed her a lacrosse stick. This is one of our favorite things to do, lacrosse.

I tossed her the ball and she caught it. She through it back, and I caught it. We played catch for a while, until we decided to play one on one. When she got it, she tripped, flying on top of me, causing us to both go flying on the ground. We start laughing uncontrollably. She climbed off of me, and gave out her hand to me. I got up on my own, and grabbed her hand. Her arms rested on my chest and mine went around her waist. She bit her lip again, and I smiled. Of course nash had to come outside and ruin the moment.

"Woahh were you two about to kiss?" He asked smirking.

"What no! That's crazy!" I say and Chris nods her head in agreement. Nash goes back inside, and Chris kisses my cheek.

"Next time" she whispers in my ear. We both smile at eachother, and walk inside.


thank god they're flirting and makin moves

but good things come to an end right ?

hope I didn't spoil anything🙊^

and I just started replying to your comments and I want to say thanks to everyone who says they love my stories bc honestly it means so much❤️

and if you ever need to talk to someone at 3 AM, I'm here for ya😉

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