chapter two

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Hayes and I compared schedules when we got them, and we have almost every class together. We always have every class. It's easy when we have every class because then we would have the same homework, and we could do it together, like in elementary school. Our first class was English. Ew.

Hayes and I walked in together, and headed to the back of the classroom. We always get the two corner seats, something we always do. It's easier to talk in the back of the class, and not as easy to get detention. Hayes and I sit down, and we start talking. Usual. A few of our friends sit around us, but not many. Apparently there is a party this weekend. Hayes and I always go to parties. Not just people we know, we've crashed a few parties in the neighborhood before. I know we're crazy.

The teacher comes in and settles us down. She takes attendance, and thank The Lord we don't have assigned seats. Hayes and I would probably be separated because they usually assign seats alphabetically. Sometimes the teachers assign seats, sometimes they don't.

The teacher starts blabbing on and on about all this random shit and topics, me and Hayes don't pay attention to.

"So what are we doing after school today?" Hayes whispers to me.

I turn around in my seat so I can face him. "Well probably homework but we can... Watch a movie? Go to IHOP? I don't know what do you want to do?" I whisper back. He looks up to the front quickly, then back at me.

"I'm in the mood to smudge whipped cream in your face" he smirks, causing giggles to escape my mouth. I covered my mouth with my hand, trying to keep the sound down.

"Okay then IHOP it is" I say putting my hand out to shake. He grabs it and shakes it.

Hayes and I continue to talk. We kinda do this thing where we go to IHOP at night instead of on the morning. We have breakfast for dinner, it's really fun. We've been kicked out of IHOP a few times because of our whipped cream fights, but there like 2 walking distance IHOP's so when we get kicked out, we just go to the other one.

"Mr. Grier, Ms. Davis. Would you like to tell the class what's more interesting than my lesson?" The teacher asks looking at us with her thick framed glasses. Hayes and I smirk at eachother, then back at the teacher. "IHOP" I said to the teacher, and Hayes nodded in agreement.

"So food is more important than my lesson?" She asks a hand on her hip.

"Food is important for survival" Hayes says, trying to act serious, but smiling a little which causing the whole class to burst out in giggles, as did Hayes and I.

"Alright, this is a warning, because it's the first day of school. Please don't let it happen again" she warns turning back to the board.

"No promises" I mumble, causing Hayes and I to laugh. The teacher turns around and looks at us sternly.

"What was that Ms. Davis?" She asks, and I turn to look at Hayes. His head is buried in the desk, and his body is vibrating, which means he's probably laughing. "Nothing" I mumble, before laughing slightly.

Finally class ended and we headed into Science. Last year, Hayes and I almost blew up the whole class room because we were playing with the chemicals we weren't supposed to. So now they put them in a closet with a pass code so we can't get to them. The teacher comes in, and sits at her desk. "Alright pick lab partners, and take a lab table" she says, and Hayes and I immediately scurry to the back lab bench.

She starts ranting on about all the topics which I don't really pay attention to. Then a girl comes barging into the classroom. "Are you....Christina Davids?" The teacher asks. My name is Christiana Davis. Hers is Christina Davids. Wow we have really similar names. "Alright since everyone is already paired up you can go with.....Christiana and Hayes until we find you your down lab partner" the teacher says and she nods. I turn to look at Hayes and his mouth is wide open.

She comes over and pulls a seat next to Hayes. "H-Hi I'm Hayes" Hayes stutters.

"Christiana" I wave lightly and she smiles. "Nice to meet both of you" she answers. Then I whisper to Hayes "close your mouth your drooling" I say giggling. Hayes snaps out of his trance, and starts to talk to Christina. I look at her, and realize who she looks almost identical to.



excuse this long chapter

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