chapter nineteen

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expect another update later ;)



Today is thanksgiving. As usual, Hayes and I's families spend it together. We have a few other aunts and uncles, work friends, plus grandparents, but that's really it. Everyone is arriving at 1 I think, so we have to run to the store, and pick up some last minute foods that our parents forgot to pick up for dinner.

It's currently 5 AM and hayes keeps calling me. He's been calling me for like 15 minutes non stop. I groaned and picked up my phone from my bedside table.

"The only reason I'm picking up is so my phone will stop buzzing" I mumble into the phone rubbing my eyes.

"Well good morning to you too" he says chuckling on the other end. I can't help but smile a little. It's cute.

"What could you possibly want at 5:30 in the morning?" I groan. I can hear him laughing in the back which makes me smile again. I haven't seen hayes since he took me to the pond a few days ago, which is weird, we usually always hang out . But we've been texting and calling like all day.

"well my mom wants us to go to the store early so it's not as crowded" he says. I groan and roll my eyes.

"At 5 AM? the stores are probably not even open"I say getting up from my bed.

"I just wanted to wake you up" he says chuckling. My mouth hangs slightly open, and my lips curve into a smile.

"Okay so now that I'm awake and pissed, what now?" I ask walking into the bathroom.

"Come over and we can go to Dunkin donuts and then go to the super market" hayes says into the phone.

"Okay see you in a bit" I say and wait for him to say something.

"Just text me when your on your way, okay babe?" He says into the phone. I pull my eyebrows together, and smile.

"Babe?" I repeat to myself and he laughs a little.

"I'm uh I don't mean I -" he started to say but I cut him off.

"No it's okay. I like it" I say blushing. It's almost as if I can feel him smiling on the other end of the phone.

"Okay I'll see you in an a few, right babe?" He repeats and I giggle.

"Right" I say hanging up the phone. I smile to myself in the mirror, and tie my hair into a messy bun.

I slip on some sweat pants and a tank top, and quietly went downstairs. I texted hayes I was on my way and soon, I saw him sitting on his porch steps. He got up as soon as he saw me and walked over to me. He enclosed me into his big muscular arms, and I wrapped mine around his neck.

"Hayes you smell good" I complimented and he chuckled.

Then I greatly regret not putting perfume on. We walk down the empty, yet bitter cold streets. His hand started to brush lightly against mine. Butterflies exploded in my stomach. His hand locked with mine, and I smiled looking up at him.

"This is okay, right?" He asks and I nod.

"This is okay" I clarify, intertwining our fingers, which causes him to smile.

We both order chocolate frosted donuts and I ordered mine with sprinkles. We would've got something at starbucks but it's probably closed because it's like 6 AM on a holiday.

We finally get to ShopRite and I turn to him. "So what are we getting here, exactly?" I ask.

"Cranberries, Italian dressing, and a few extra deserts" Hayes says, and turn in his head to look at me.

We both smirk before running down the desert isle, and piling anything and everything into our arms. Then we went off into the other isles, and argued which brand was better. After we paid for everything, we snuck into his house, where his parents were still sleeping.

"Will is coming back today" Hayes says glancing up from his phone. A smile spreads across my face, as well as Hayes. Will and I were always close, he was like my second older brother (Nahs and I are really close so I consider nash as my older brother, and will as my second older brother) Him and my sister were really close, like Hayes and I. But I don't think they had any relationship type thing going on.

Hayes mom comes down the stairs showered, and dressed. She says good morning to Hayes and I, before getting to work isn't he kitchen. I help for a bit, while Hayes plays on his phone.

"Chris, did your parents mention the Layton's? They are coming for thanksgiving today. I believe they have a son your age, and a daughter that's 15" Elizabeth says, as she takes a bowl out of the refrigerator.

"No I didn't know they were coming. I don't even know who they are" I say letting out a small giggle.

She smiles, and we continue to talk, until Hayes sits down next to me and stares at me. I look at him confused, and I can tell by his facial expression that he wants me to come with him.

I go with Hayes and he leads me upstairs, where there is a bunch if food on his bed. I gladly take a seat, and he does right next to me. We lay back on his bed, and get comfortable. We talk about completely random and stupid things, like always. We were kind of having a pre-thanksgiving because your with the people you care about, and your stuffing your face.

"So have you met the Layton's?" I asked, popping a sour patch watermelon into my mouth.

"Yeah but only like twice" he says and I nod.

This might be weird. I like Hayes. I think Hayes likes me, I mean he's been calling me babe and we held hands this morning, but I'm not sure. The last thing I need, or even want, is another boy to come in and screw this up. I'm not saying that the boy is going to think I'm cute, or that I want him too think I'm cute, or I want him to have a crush on me, because I do not want that. But if he does like me...then this could get a little awkward.

"He's seen you before on like Instagram. He told me" Hayes says dumping a handful of skittles in his mouth.

"Who showed him?" I ask smirking.

"Well I saw him a couple weeks ago when I saw my grandparents. Apparently our parents our close. So I was on instagram, spamming you with comments and he was watching me spam you so he saw your pictures because when I was finished he said 'that girl is cute'" Hayes says, and his facial expression drops.

Then I remember when Hayes and I are bored, we spam eachother with comments. It's just something we do. I didn't know how to respond so I just nodded my head, and scooted down next to him.

"You know your so insanely cute, right?" Hayes says. My cheeks heat quickly, and turn nice and bright pink. My lips curve into a small smile, and I start giggling.

"Awh look Chris is blushingggg" Hayes cooed, which really pissed me off. He likes to annoy me, and this is how he does it.

"Stoppppppp" I whine pushing him away from me. He chuckles, before pulling me back, and closer to him. We continued to eat our candy, and ended up having a little food fight, which resulted in sugar all over us, and Hayes bed. We continued talking and eating the remainder of candy, and after I headed home to change for the actual thanksgiving.



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