chapter one

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I know the first chapter is up kinda soon ahaha oops



My name is Christiana Davis. Not Christina as in Christina Aguligera, Christiana. With an extra 'a'. People always get my name mixed up, and I hate it. "Chris! Come on let's go or we won't have time to stop at Starbucks!" My best friend Hayes calls from downstairs.

Hayes Grier is my best friend in the whole world. We've been next door neighbors ever since we were born. Our parents have been friends for the longest time, so our families are super close. And Hayes and I don't have any feelings for eachother, like most boy-girl best friendships do. We are just best friends. I mean I do have girl friends, but Hayes is my absolute best friend ever. Sometimes I think he knows me, more than I know myself which is a little crazy.

I am so close with Hayes because I basically lived at his house when I was little. When I was in elementary school, my parents were all over the place with business trips, so I'd stay at Hayes house most of the time. We have been through it all. The time outs, the punishments, the grounding. If we've been in trouble, it's most likely together.

The funny thing is, my twin sister always thought when Hayes had a girlfriend, or when I had a boyfriend we would get jealous. But we haven't. I've actually become friends with some of his past girlfriends, and he's become friends with my last boyfriend. Yes, I've only had one boyfriend.

Yes I have a twin sister, but she is totally different from me. She's into drawing and cartoons, and some crap like that. She has a complete different style, and a complete different groups of friends. If you put my sister, Cora and I next to eachother, we would not look like sibilings. Even Hayes thinks so.

I jog downstairs to find Hayes stuffing a muffin in his mouth. "You aren't saving room for Starbucks?" I ask grabbing a piece of toast from the plate Elizabeth set on the counter for us. My parents were some where on the face of this planet, so I was staying at Hayes house for the first day of school. He nods, struggling to shove the rest of the muffin in his mouth.

The whole famous thing with Hayes, is actually awesome. Even though he split from the bigger group, he still sees the guys pretty often. I'm pretty close with all of them, especially Matt and Cameron. I always hack Hayes vine account, and it results in me being thrown in the pool. I don't get too much hate from fans. Some people are jealous because I'm so close with him, but some people ship us. Not many, but I ignore those tweets and comments.

After Hayes mom made him take out the rest of the muffin, we headed out the door and off to school. "So is big Hayes gonna try out for the football team?" I ask looking up into his blue eyes.
"I'm gonna try out. Maybe you should try out" he says nudging my shoulder. My eyes go wide with disbelief. I could never try out for the football team. I'd get crushed.
"Hayes are you crazy? I'd get crushed!" I exclaim, and all I get was laughs from him.
"I know I was just teasing" he says and I punch him in the shoulder. He pretends he's hurt, something he does a lot to annoy me.

My light brown hair was sticking to my face from the heat outside. I pulled it into a pony tail, and looked ahead, where the suns rays were ready to blind me. I squinted my hazel/light brown eyes, trying to block out the sun. We head into Starbucks, and Hayes and I order our usual drinks that we've always been getting.

Finally we arrive at school, and meet up with our normal group of friends. It's me, Jen, Stephanie, Becky, Rachael, Peter, Hayes, Matt, Ryan, and Joe. We've all been friends since elementary school. The bell rings, and we all walk into homeroom. Hayes sits next to me and we have our normal morning conversation.

Hayes knows everything. Everything about me, my past, my mom, everything. and I know everything about him. And I know he would never tell anyone about my little secrets. It's embarrassing for people to know. I'd get hate for the rest of my life. The bell to first period dinged though the room, and we all got out of our seats and walked to our next class.

Well, here goes nothing.


here was chapter one! hope you liked it! And btw Matt in there friend group isn't Matt Espinosa it's just a random guy lol


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