chapter sixteen

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It's been about 2 weeks since Hayes broke up with Christina. Well I've definitely been happier, but he hasn't. At least I think he hasn't. He just doesn't seem as perked up as he was. Surprisingly, Christina might have made him happy. I really hope not because I don't want her anywhere near me. Maybe she did make him happy, I'm some twisted way.

Well tonight it's Halloween, and usually there is a Halloween party. But no one has said anything, and I don't feel like hosting one, neither does Hayes. I don't even dress up anymore, well obviously. Sometimes Hayes and I do ding-dong ditch then go to CVS and spend $40 on candy, then eat it all in one night. We've been doing that for a while now, actually. Today I'm going to Hayes house, because Lola is goig over to take Skylynn trick or treating, so I guess I will walk over with her. Plus the fact that Cora is decorating the house for her Halloween party, I might as well leave so I'm not I'm her way.

I knocked on the door. No answer. I shrugged, he's probably not in there. I turned around and started to head towards the stair case, when I heard people talking, and I stopped dead. I tip toed back to his door, and stood next to it so I could maybe listen.

"Christina if we are going to start dating again, you can't be mean to Chris. She's my best friend" someone said. Wait Christina is in Hayes room? Hayes probably said that, then.

Christina is no way in hell close to even being an acquaintance, so if he thinks we are going to be friends, he's out of his mind.

"Okay okay. I will be nice. But it's always going to be me first, right?" Christina says.

"You first with what, exactly?" Hayes asks. The lump in my throat grows larger, and I try to swallow it down.

"If she asks to hang out, and so do I, it's me. My name is Chris, hers is Christiana, when I'm around at least. Don't do anything with out me, or if your in a group" she says, and tears roll down my cheek.

I stomp down the stairs before I can hear anymore. This is total bull shit. Telling my best friend what to do? If she can play dirty, so can I.


Hayes doesn't even text me today, probably because he's going to walk with Christina. I don't care either, I'm juts going to do what I did last time Christina was mean to me, I'm just going to be mean, because she's breaking me and Hayes up.

I walk into homeroom and sit in my normal seat. Hayes and Christina come in shortly after, hand and hand. I scoff, along with rolling my eyes, and watching Hayes and Christina sit down next to me.

"Guess what Christiana? Hayes and I made up! We're back together!" She squeals with with excitement and give Hayes a big hug.

"In memory of when I cared" I scoff rolling my eyes. Christina's mouth drops slightly, and turns around. Hayes stayed silent. I smirked to myself, and giggled in my head. I'm pretty good at this.

After homeroom, I headed into English, and Hayes sat next to me, and is giving me the 'what happened why are you like this?' Look. I smirked and turned forward in my seat.

"Hey Christiana! Do you know any good restaurants? I want to take Hayes out for dinner" she says, pursing her lips together, a fake smile plastered across her caked makeup face.

"Well since you are dating, you should know his favorite place for dinner" I say, tilting my head and smirking. She looks a little lost and taken back so she sits forward in her seat. She takes out what looks like a survey sheet, attached to a clipboard. She hands it to me and I look at her totally confused.

"Can you sign yours and my name on this? Sorry I need it done for History, so can you please sign it for me? And your name to of course" she says smiling that fake smile, and handing me a pink pen with a Pom Pom sticking out of the top.

I click the pen, and write my name Christiana Davis, and then right her name. I couldn't think of anything like sarcastic so I put this:

Slut bag

Don't ask, it was the first thing that came to my head. She looks at the paper, and then frowns. She shows Hayes, and he looks at me, he started to laugh, but then tried acting serious, until both of us were giggling quietly. I know he thought it was funny. Class ends, and Christina grabs my arm, her nails digging into my skin.

"You better stop with this" she says through her gritted teeth. I chuckle, and yank my arm out of her grip.

"All I heard you say was translated to BS" I say walking off.

Hayes looks at me smiling. He follows behind me, and he walks to class with me.

"Chris please don't be mean to Chris" Hayes says. Then I smirk, now she's called Chris, so he could be talking about either of us.

"I know she's being so mean!" I say slamming my hand on the desk. He starts laughing, and Christina comes in angry.

"Chris, cut the crap" she sneers, recieving a smile from Hayes.

Whoops she called me Chris.

"I know, Chris, you really need to stop" I say referring to her, then smirking.

Before she can say anything else, her hand is whipped across my cheek, leaving a painful red mark on my face. I hold my hand up to it, wincing in pain. The teacher comes and I walk over to her desk, and tell her what Christina just did to me. The teacher motions us both out of the room, and sends me to the nurse to get an icepack. As for Christina, she was sent to the principals office.

"Chris, I'm am idiot, aren't I?" He asks as we head towards the cafeteria. I nod my head, and we both laugh in unison.

"You know I've been with Christina too many times, and this time I'm actually done. D-O-N-E" he says making hand motions.

"Good" I say quietly, smiling up at him.

We head to the cafeteria and sit at our normal table. We talk and gossip about what just happened, and everyone started laughing.

"So I think I need to make it up to you. You know because of Christina" he says looking around.

"How about....we go to 16 Handles and fill our cups to the top with toppings then go back to our tree house and watch Netflix" he suggests and I smile, that sounds perfect.

"That would be fun. I'm in the mood to get fro-yo wasted" I say, causing us to erupt in fits of laughter.

The day blew past, and right after school, Hayes and I headed to my house to do homework.

Like old times.


I have a feeling some of you were going to flip shit if I had Christina and Hayes date for the next chapter ..

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