chapter twenty nine

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A little while later, Hayes comes into the room, and drops the bag on the floor, and kneels down next to me.

"Are you okay?" He asks, and I turn my whole body on my side, instead of just my head facing him.

"Do I look okay?" I ask in a raspy voice. "Hayes I'm sorry" I blurt out. He looks at me confused.

"Why?" He asked, his eyebrows pulled together.

"B-Because you have to stay home with me to take care of me because I'm sick" I say, covering my face with my hands.

"I don't mind, I get to spend the day with you" he says, and I smile. He stretches over, and grabs the bag, and gives me a bag of sour patch watermelon.

"What took you so long?" I ask. He was gone for an hour, and the super market is right down the street.

"It was crowded" he answers quietly. I nod and continue to eat the candy.

The rest of that day consisted of watching Netflix and Hayes trying to make me feel better, but I haven't felt better, and I haven't felt worse. Hayes has been really sweet, but I still feel really bad that he had to clear his whole day just for me. I feel like Hayes has been acting a little.. Tensed. Ever since he came back from the super market. Something probably happened, but I'm sure it's nothing, right?


Today is December 27. Christmas was great, and I found out my parents are coming back January 5. So they'll be gone for a while more. I've gotten so much better, all I have is a slightly hoarse voice. Hayes has been staying home with me everyday I've been sick, which is so sweet. He clears his whole day just to be with me. It's so adorable, and thoughtful. It makes me feel wanted. Tonight we have a party to go to, someone in our grade is hosting a holiday party. It's later tonight though, so we have the whole day.


As you would have guessed, Hayes and I stayed home watching movies all day, just hanging around the house. Now it's time to get ready for the party that's going to be starting soon. I run into the shower and wash my hair and body. I come out and change into my clothes, and then go out to see Hayes already dressed. I grab my makeup bag and start my makeup, Hayes coming behind me. It doesn't bother me. His hands move to my sides, and I start laughing. I put my mascara down so I don't smudge it.

"If I hurt you I'm not responsible for your injuries" I threaten, inbetween laughs. He laughs at my threat, and then stops. I go back to my makeup, and when I'm done, Hayes is waiting for me downstairs.

He stands up and scans me up and down.

I blush, and break the silence "so are we going or?" He nods, and grabs my hand.

Butterflies fly everywhere in my stomach. The house isn't too far from here, just a few blocks. We talked the whole way there, and stepped inside. I went over to Becky and Steph, who were talking to some other girls in our grade. I started talking to them, and Hayes went some other way.

After a few hours, someone taps my shoulder. I turn around to see the one and only Christina. I haven't seen her in a really long time, and I'm glad. I hate her.

"Hey Christiana" she says. I roll my eyes and continue to talk to my friends, but she turns me around, her hand gripping my forearm.

"What?" I snap at her.

"Hayes didn't tell you?" She asked a smirk spread across her face. I pull my eyebrows together. "Tell me what?" I ask curiously.

"About our little run in at the store the other day" she says in a sweet but obnoxious tone. okay big deal they ran into eachother at the store, it's not like anything happened. He would tell me if something did happen, right? Right.

"Okay you ran into eachother at the store" I say rolling my eyes, about to turn around, and expecting her to stop me, but she doesn't.

"Well I guess you don't care that we kissed" she says. I turn back around, and look at her with disbelief.

"You did not kiss" I say, really hoping that they didn't.

"We did, and it was Hayes idea" she says proudly. That is the craziest thing she could of ever said. She thinks I'm going to believe her? She's just trying to piss me off.

"You think I'm going to believe you? After everything you've done? Yeah, in your dreams" I say turning around.

"Why don't you talk to your prefect boyfriend about it" she says, before I hear her heels click away.

Then it gets me thinking. Hayes was unusually long, and was acting tense that day. But then again, she could just be saying that to break us up.


Brandon and Christina approach me, while I'm talking to Ryan. What do they want?

"What could you two want?" I ask them, clearly annoyed.

"We need your help" they said. I look at them confused.

"You know Cora? Cora Davis?" Christina asked, and I nodded. Of course I know Cora, that's Chris's identical twin sister. But they aren't so identical anymore. Cora changed. A lot.

"Yeah, why?" I ask super confused.

"Well remember what she did last year?" Brandon asked, and I nodded. What Cora did last year, to me, to Chris, to our whole grade is practically unforgivable. Chris doesn't even trust her.

Last year, in the beginning of the year, Cora and Chris were identical. Couldn't tell them apart. Wore the same things, liked the same things, had the same friends. Not anymore. A teacher assigned Cora to show a new student around, her name was Jayden. She was a full on goth. She was superstitious about everything and everyone. I guess some of it rubbed off of Cora, non intentionally. So they became really good friends, and drifted apart from our friend group. Chris didn't really mind too much. So then Chris was having a party. An end of the year pool party. So throughout that whole year, Cora and Jayden made all these lies and rumors about everyone. And they were like weird ones too, they said that Im not actually the quarter back, it's just someone who looks like me. And it was all messed up rumors about everyone, even Chris. And they were crazy.

So at Chris's pool party, they brought a bunch of people, all dressed in black, and handed out cards to everyone that said someone else's rumor on it. Chris got mine, and I got hers. Chris's rumor, well some people believed that one. They said she was pregnant, and had to get three guys tested. It was 100% not true. because Chris would tell me something like that. And I would notice, she gets really, really bitchy once every month (if ya know what I'm sayin😉) and if she was pregnant, she wouldn't have those monthly mood swings. So those rumors created a huge fight, and everyone wondered who started it. Then when Chris was looking for Cora, she found the notes opened on her computer. She of course told everyone, because people were blaming Chris, and ever since then, Cora had secluded herself from everyone in the grade but Jayden and some other girls just like her. And worst of all, Jayden didn't make up the rumor about Chris, Cora did.

"Yes" I reply plainly, wondering why they're bringing this up now.

"Well she needs a taste of her own medicine, right?" Christina says and I nod. She does deserve the frustration and humiliation and pain she put us through, but I mean I wouldn't do that, especially to her. We are so close, and it wouldn't be right.

"Does Chris know?" I ask out of no where.

"Yes, and she's going to help by brining Cora to the place so we can put her through what she did to us" Christina smirks. Well if Chris is in, then I'm in.

"What's the plan?"


this chapter was rlly long and all over the place and I'm sorry:(

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