chapter twenty four

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aye surprise update🙈 had some extra time and I was like I'm gonna update bc you guys are the💣❤️



With what my ears had just heard, and my brain had just processed, I slowly got up and headed towards the door. I was still crying, no less than I was before. I wipe as many tears as I can away, and try and make it look like I wasn't and aren't crying. I twist the door knob to see a worried looking Hayes.

"Chris, are you okay?" He asks stepping into my room.

"Yeah I'm fine" I say trying to hide my cracking voice.

He shakes his head, "your not fine" he says sitting on my bed.

"I am Hayes I'm perfectly fine" I assure him sitting down next to him on my bed.

"I've known you long enough to know that whenever you say your fine, your actually not" he says. He's right.

I think of the words Brandon said to me, and a tear slips out of my eye, but I wipe it away quickly hoping he didn't see that. More tears drip from my eyelashes, and he turns to face me. He wipes my tears away with his thumbs and pulls me in for a hug, when I break down tears and sobs. He rubs circles on my back, which helps me calm down, but I keep crying.

I pull away and look at him.

"Chris what happened?" He asks looking right into my eyes.

I refuse to make eye contact, instead I play with my hands, and take deep breaths so I can explain what happened with out crying.

"Well I was at the park with Brandon" I begin, and I can actually see his body tense up.

"And he uh he said something" I say very quietly.

"what'd he say?" Hayes asks, sounding a little angry, and clearly tensed.

"He s-said that I was a slut a-and that I go to a new guy every week and" I explain, but start to cry. Hayes looks like he is about to run out of my room and beat the shit out of him.

"And he said you didn't want to be w-with me b-because you let me go so easy" I say now crying hard.

His eyebrows pulled together, and he grabbed my hands.

"Chris I don't want you to feel like you have to be with me. Do what you think is right, and at the time you thought it was right to go with Brandon. I hate pushing people to do something they don't want to do, and I didn't want to sound pushy or forcing, that's why. And I know that our friendship is way more important to me than anything, and I wouldn't ask it any other way" Hayes says grabbing my hands.

My lips curve into a small smile, as his arms wrap around me, and pull me closer to him.

"And I have no idea what drugs he's on for calling you a slut" he says into my hair which makes me giggle.

He keeps me in his arms, which makes me feel a lot safer. I pull away and excuse my self to the bathroom so I can wash my face. My mascara ran down my face, leaving black marks. My eyes were red and puffy. I washed my face with cold water and came back out to see Hayes lounging on my bed eating a bag of m&m's. I yanked the bag away, and dumped a handful into my mouth.

Then I started thinking. Christmas is right around the corner. Every year, we spend Christmas Eve at Hayes or my house, and same thing on Christmas Day. It's December 15, ten days to get Hayes a Christmas present. And nash and Skylynn and all the rest of mine, and his family. Maybe Becky and I will go shopping tomorrow, with Rachael, Steph and Jen. I feel like I've been so distant with them ever since Brandon, so it'll be good to catch up with them.

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