chapter twenty eight

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woo hoo 2k!!💘🎉 thank you all so much!!.



My throat feels dry. I open my eyes, but it's hard. They are crusted shut. Once I rub away the crust and they're open, they immediately start to tear. I get up, and cough loudly. I look back to the bed, and Hayes is still sleeping. I don't want to wake him up. I walk into the bathroom, trying to keep my coughs low. I drink a glass of ice cold water, and my throat doesn't get better. I splash my face with cold water, and that makes me feel the tiniest bit better. My head is pounding, and I just feel stiff, and gross. I slide my phone out of the sweatpants, and check the time. 2:47 AM. So much for taking a shower.

I head back into Hayes room, and realize I can't sleep in the same bed with him. I'll get him sick. I grab the pillow I was using, and a blanket from the edge of his bed. I slowly curled up on the floor, and shut my tear leaking eyes, and fell asleep coughing.

12:45 PM

I roll over, and hit my head on something hard. My crusted eyes struggle to open, but I have to rub them, in order for them to fully open, and the tears to involuntarily flow. I hit my head on my phone. I sit up, and see Hayes come into his room, dressed. I click the home button on my phone, and saw the time : 12:45 PM. Wow I slept late.

"How come you moved?" Hayes asks. I look at him confused.

"From my bed to the floor" he clarifies and I clear my throat. Well try to.

"I-I woke up in the middle of the night and felt like crap, and I didn't want to get you sick" I explain, my voice groggily and raspy. It hurts to talk.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" He asks sitting down on the floor next to me.

"I didn't want to bother you" I say in my groggily raspy voice.

"Come with me," he says, holding out a hand for me. I grab it, and he leads me downstairs. His mom is up and Skylynn is in the living room playing with her toys. Nash is in LA with cam, so it was just us.

"Oh my gosh, Chris what happened? Are you alright?" She asks worried, coming over to me. I shake my head, and look at the ground.

She immediately puts the back of her palm on my forehead. She runs over to a cabinet I the kitchen, and grabs a thermometer, and Tylenol. "Does you head hurt?" She asks from the cabinet. I nod, not wanting to talk or my throat will hurt.

"What about your throat?" She asks and I nod once again. She grabs a few more bottles, before commanding me to sit at the counter.

First she takes my temperature. 103.1. She hands me the Tylenol, and I take a sip of that. I hate the taste of medicine, even the flavored kind, and this was not the flavored kind. She gave me a cough drop, and I popped it into my mouth.

"Hayes your going to have to take care of her today, I have to take Skylynn to a play date and then run some important errands, do you mind?" Hayes mom asks, and Hayes agrees. Well now I feel terrible. Hayes has to clear his whole day to take care of me.

After the cough drop melted in my mouth, Hayes took my hand and brought me upstairs. He threw me a tshirt and basketball shorts, considering all my clothes were in the washing machine from the New York trip.

"Go take a hot shower, it might make you feel better" he suggests, and I nod. I slowly walk into the bathroom, and look at myself. My hair is a complete mess. My skin is insanely pale, and I have red under eye marks. I'm also shivering, because I'm cold, which causes goosebumps to rise all over my skin.

I turn on the hot water, and step into the steaming shower. I wash my body, and it does make me feel better, a lot better. I changed into the clothes Hayes gave me, and stepped out of the bathroom, tying my hair into a messy bun. Hayes directs me to his bed, and I lay down. He handed me my computer and I scrolled through Netflix.

"Hungry?" He asks and I nod. I'm starving.

"Want some candy or something?" He asks and I nod with a smile.

"I'm just gonna run to the store quickly. 30 minutes tops" he says and I nod. He runs out the door, leaving me watching Netflix in his bed.


I bolt out the door, and to the sidewalk. I start fast walking to the supermarket, which is a few blocks from my house. I don't want her to be by herself for too long. Finally I arrive at the supermarket, and go right to the candy. I start picking out her favorites, when someone taps me from behind. I turn around to see Christina. I haven't seen her since.... Before thanksgiving.

"C-Christina w-what -" I started to question but she cut me off.

"Miss me?" She smirks, and I roll my eyes. "Oh come on just admit it" she said nudging my arm.

"Admit that I want you to go away? Okay, go away" I say, walking out of the isle, hoping she wouldn't follow me. My hopes were wrong. I ignore her prescience, and look for ginger ale.

"Why are you even here?" She asks obnoxiously.

"I'm buying things" I say plainly.

"For who?" She asks.

"None of your business" I snap.

"Chris?" She asks, and I stay quiet.

"Hayes seriously? I get why you wanted to break up, but did you really have to go with Chris?" She sneers.

"At least Chris is better than you" I say, and she scoffs.

"What does she have that I don't?" She asks, a hand on her hip.

"She's just like you just a billion times better minus the bitchy and annoying part of a personality" I say rolling my eyes and walking out of the isle.

"So she kisses just as good as me?" She asks, a smirk at the corner of her lips.

"Why do you care?" I ask annoyed.

"So she doesn't kiss as good as me?" She smirks, and at this point she's really getting on my nerves.

"She can kiss way better than you ever can, or have" I say getting on the line.

"Psh yeah right" she says, and I can see that she is annoyed.

"I could kiss Chris all day, she is amazing" I say smirking. Now she's really annoyed.

"W-Well you haven't kissed me in a while, so I-I've changed" she stutters.

"Sure" I say rolling my eyes.

"I'll prove it" she smirks.

"Please don't" I say, but before she can say anything she grabs my arm, and roughly kisses me. I can taste her cinnamon gum and her bad tasting lipgloss. Her tongue is practically down my throat, and I'm trying to push her off me. Finally she does, and the first thing I do is wipe my mouth with my sweatshirt sleeve to get the taste out of my mouth, and the stickiness of her lipgloss on my face.

"How was that?" Se smirks.

"Absolutely disgusting" I say, walking out of the store, and down the sidewalk.

Christina just kissed me. It does not feel the same when Chris and I kiss. Chris is my girlfriend, and I basically just cheated on her. And we haven't even been dating for two weeks, and if she finds out, I'll loose her trust. Even if we break up and remain friends, I can't loose her trust. Chris is not going to find out. This was one little screw up that she isn't going to know about.

She doesn't need to know about, and she isn't going to know about.

Little did I know she had her minions taking pictures.


uh oh Christina you slut why do you have to come in and ruin everything god

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