chapter twelve

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That morning, I got up quickly, and dressed in leggings and a t-shirt. I didn't feel like dressing up good or anything, so I just threw on whatever. Hayes doesn't care. Christina clearly doesn't care. Why do I care?

I brush my teeth, mumble 'good mornings' to my parents and sibilings. I'm like this every morning so they don't suspect anything. Which is good I don't want them up in my problems. Then I get a text from Hayes.

Hayes: hey! Meet me outside in 20(:

I roll my eyes and shut off my phone. I swing my back pack onto my shoulders, and run past Hayes house. It was actually a little breezy today, so I was definitely a little cold, but there was no turning back. What of I see Hayes outside on my way back? I really cannot risk Christina telling everyone. But I'm going to find something to hang over her head, so then I'm in control, because I am not letting her control me.

I arrive at school, and walk straight up to homeroom. I sit down in my seat, and tap my foot nervously. Hayes comes in and sits down next to me.

"Chris, did you not get my text this morning?" He asks. I think I have to ignore him as best as I can. Or try and push him away until I can hold something over Christina.

"I got it" I say smiling a little, and looking at him. His eyes had pure confusion and worry swirling around his eyes.

"So why didn't you respond?" He asks sitting down next to me.

"I chose to ignore it" I say tears brimming my eyes. Why was I crying? No I can't cry. I could tell he was staring at me, and I let him.

"Chris are you okay?" He asks, and a few tears drop from my eyes.

"Chris?" He asks again and I get up, swinging my back around, and onto my back.

"I-I can't do this" I say to myself, but it looks like he thought I said it to him.

I leave the room, and headed to my first class. I stand outside the door, and chew on my nails viciously. They are now all raggedy and sharp, so I started chewing on the skin. I bit it off nervously. Now Hayes was going to come and ask what's wrong. But I don't want to tell him, because then he'll confront Christina and she'll tell. Hayes knows how badly I'll be hurt.

The bell rings, and the hallways slowly begin to crowd, making me even more hot. I regret wearing leggings. Then Hayes comes over to me.

"Chris, what's wrong?" He asks turning me around.

I don't dare to look at him, I'm afraid I'll start crying. I hate crying in front of people. He drags me by the wrists and pushes me inside the janitors closet.

"Chris, tell me what happened. I'm your best friend" he says coming closer to me. But I can't tell him. I wish I could, but I can't.

"I can't" I say, my voice cracking at the end. I try to swallow down the lump that has formed inside my throat, but it won't go down.

"You can tell me anything" he says coming very close to my face. Don't ask why I'm crying because I don't know why. Maybe because I'm on the verge of loosing my best friend.

"I can't" I say my voice cracking again. His fingers lift up my chin, so I'm looking right at him. Hot tears slowly stream down my face, and I quickly wipe them away.

"You know you can tell me anything. What's wrong?" He asks. I break eye contact and look down at my white converse. I shake my head, sobbing quietly.

"Christiana, I've never seen you like this. What happened? You can tell me, I won't tell anyone" he says. I know he's serious because he said my full name.

"But you will this time" I say quietly tears pouring out of my eyes.

"Christiana, tell me please" he begs, grabbing both my hands. I yanked them away and fumbled with the door handle. I Needed to get out of here, fast.

"Chris!" He says pulling me close by the waist.

"Chris, please. I need you to tell me because I-I care about you. Your my best friend. I promise I won't tell anyone" he whispers, his warm breath hitting my skin.

"I-it's nothing. I'm j-just a little nervous. I can tell you later, I don't want to talk about it now, I will tell you later, okay?"

I say and he nods. He takes his thumb and wipes my tears away, and then pulls me in for a hug.

"It'll all be okay, I promise you, Chris" he says, as I bury my head in his neck. We pull away, and I wipe under my eyes, and hope I look somewhat presentable. He guides me by the waist into the empty hallways, and into the class room.

"Ms. Davis? Mr. Grier? Would you like to explain to the class why you are late?" She asks, raiding her eyebrows. I open my mouth to say something, but Hayes speaks for me.

"Christiana had a sore throat, and I remembered in my locker I had cough drops, so I gave her some, because Chris, er, Christiana, is my best friend" he says and I smile lightly.

I scan the room, and Christina is tapping her fingers on the desk, giving me the death stare. Great.

"Take your seats" the teacher says, and he still guides me by the waist. I sit down in my seat, and Christina stares at me. Hayes is looking between the both of us, but I don't think he knows what's going on.


I am so worried about Chris. I've never ever in my 13 years of knowing her, have seen her like this. Usually she asks to talk and spills everything that's on her mind. But this time it's like she's blocking me out. After class, Christina pulls me by the wrist out of the classroom.

"Why were you hanging out with her?" She asks angrily and suspiciously.

"I don't know. Something up with her" I say looking at the classroom door, hoping she would come out soon.

"I know what's wrong" Christina says, smirking but then acting all sympathetic and serious. I shake it off and give her my full attention.

"Christiana doesn't want to be your friend anymore" she tells me, and my mouth drops, my heart sinks, and my eyes brim with tears.



uhh ohh

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